Monday, July 29, 2013

Robb Report (1-year auto-renewal)

Robb ReportI lucked up discovering the Robb Report about three years ago. A great read on an airlinesI have had other passenger 'remove' it while I was out of my seat. Each issue since then has been a jewel and a treasure. The writers, photographers and editors create onoverwhelming sensory-overload for aspiring blue-bloods like myself. The vehicles, not limited to cars, vacation sites, and informative articles will keep you coming back month after month. Not to mention the Year-End Christmas Guidea mammoth issue with gift and gadgets that will bring you to your knees. This issue alone is WORTH the subscription price. Dont miss out on another issuegrab one at the newstand or subscribe and you too will be hooked for life, hopingpraying for money to afford some of those great toys!

There are a lot of magazines out there proclaiming themselves about the good life well, at least the material and fun toys that can go with the good life but only the Robb Report is the real thing. A lot of the luxe lifestyle mags seem to be started by people hoping they'll get to drive Ferraris for free or so they get to hire models in bikinis to sit on a $150k pool table.

The Robb Report seems to be written by people with a geniune understanding, knowledge and interest in their subjects of coverage whether it's Ferrari's, Italian luxury yachts, the best rideshare jet or an interesting $4M vacation home they know the history and understanding the lightweights from the authentic. They actually know their stuff and don't just write regurgitated press releases.

With a lot of fakes and poseurs out there, The Robb Report is the real thing. Solid writing, excellent photographs and even the ads are fun to look at. Whether you live this life or aspire to it, the Robb Report is the real beluga ...

Buy Robb Report (1-year auto-renewal) Now

I have been an avid reader of Robb Report for well over 15 years, and I will continue to do so "til Death do us part". The affluent lifestyle is well represented in this publication, the proverbial "American Dream". From the reviews of the finest automobiles to the showcasing of the most exquisite pieces of jewelry the world has to offer, Robb Report has everything for the most discriminating shopper.

If you can truly appreciate the finer things in life that money CAN buy, Robb Report is THE magazine for you, bar none.

Read Best Reviews of Robb Report (1-year auto-renewal) Here

The Robb Report should probably call itself 'The

Magazine for People with Way Too Much Money'. It

is a critical examination of the goods, services

and experiences available to those for whom

money is no object. There is no advice on getting

the most out of a tight budget, just advice on

getting the most.

So, if you don't happen to be in that bracket, what's

the point? Why read about what you can't attain?

If you can keep envy in check, there are three

reasons to read the Robb Report regularly.

1. it makes for very good fantasizing. Think of it

as a harmless form of consumer-porn.

2. the rich really do live well and there are ideas

you can adapt from them to your own more modest


3. some of the writing is superb. Read Jack Smith on

hiking through the Alps (Jan2007)for instance.

If you can't afford the experiences descibed in the

Robb Report, you can at least have the comfort of

their acquaintance. Of course, you could, alternatively

save the cover price, read it in the library and invest

the money you saved in a no-load mutual fund. Allowing

for growth and compounding and all, you'll probably be

able to afford that yacht about nine thousand years

from now.

--Lynn Hoffman, author of THE NEW SHORT COURSE IN WINE and

the forthcoming novel bang BANG from Kunati Books.ISBN


Want Robb Report (1-year auto-renewal) Discount?

Bah---they're just shopping at the wrong stores.

More to the point, they probably never leafed through a copy of the Robb Report.

Back in my lowly days as a cold-calling, dialing-for-dollars stockbroker, the ratty looking guy occupying the desk to my right would always sneer when I would pick up the Robb Report on my mid-afternoon walk---"you're a dreamer, Garrett", he would rasp, cackling as I idled, morning coffee-a-steaming, over the glossy, gorgeous, impossibly perfect sleekness of a Bugatti million dollar supercar, or a Lamborghini Murcielago, or a cask of rare Amontillado, or some crafty, indolent, impossibly sexy and lethal day-spa tucked away in the mountain fastness of Colorado.

Yeah, I was a dreamer. Still am.

And? So? What's wrong with that? Self-help gurus jet around this green and pleasant land of hours and make gazillions touting visualization---seeing your goals so as to better attain them---so what's wrong with drooling over a glossy spread of the latest Rolls Royce Phantom and saying "yeah, granted, I'm slaving for 100 hours a week, but next February I'm gonna be riding around in that roadster, with a built-in-humidor"?

See my point?

The Robb Report, then, is my conduit to dreams: to those things within my immediate grasp, and to those creature comforts promised at the far end of an arduous campaign. Things I new of before, perhaps: things the dear old RR introduced unto me---like the whiskey maker Balvenie, and its sharp-as-Toledo-steel 10-year single malt whiskey, with its rich peaty flavor and whiff of Irish Sea insanity.

Dreams, indeed.

Let's burrow down the marrow, dear friends: let's get down into the viscera, the bone, the sinew of the matter. Capitalism is about, frankly, each being rewarded unto his own raw ambition, his crazy energy, his feisty talent. The Robb Report, then, serves as a kind of psychological lodestone: do this, Gentle Knight, and the world---of fine Sevruga caviar, of Crystal, of Rolex, of Bugatti and Maserati and Lamborghini and Rolls Royce and townhouses the size of small nation-states and, more to the point, full financial independence with Savile-Row tailoring and hella-great cigars---shall be yours.

Dare I say that Robb Report is gorgeously shot, lustrously framed, and succinctly written? A sort of porno for uber-capitalists?

I shall. Drink up, me hearties! Yaaaaaar!


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