Some of the factual science articles well-compliment the stories, some just don't have any relation (and if I skip anything in Analog, it's some of the drier fact pieces). Some excellent write-ups such as a comparison between long-term weather data and historical regime changes could lead to several future stories in the magazine.
Dependable, high-quality, and enjoyable.
One change in publication not mentioned here: both Analog and Asimov's have gone to 10 issues a year from 11, with 2 "double issues" instead of one per year. The double issue is always a treat but then one must wait 2 months for the next regular issue!Disclaimer up front: I've had three novels serialized in ANALOG (Nebula winner THE TERMINAL EXPERIMENT; Hugo and Nebula nominee STARPLEX; and the just-completed HOMINIDS). But I'm also a long-time reader of the magazine (28 years now), and I love it. The fiction is real SF -stories in which the science is accurate and the speculation credible. But I also love the editorials by Stanley Schmidt; the "Alternate View" columns by Jeff Kooistra and John Cramer (some of the best science writing available anywhere these days), the spirited letters-to-the-editors section, and Tom Easton's book reviews. This is the number-one bestselling science-fiction magazine in the world, and justly so.
Buy Analog Science Fiction & Fact Now
(2008 HOLIDAY TEAM)I can't tell you how many great science fiction writers I discovered through reading Analog. My first Larry Niven story was in Analog, as well as my first Spider Robinson story. Most of the greats got their start here, and many of them continue writing a story for Analog now and then.The short story is a good friend to science fiction. It allows for the exploring of an idea without the need to "fill it out" to novel length. This magazine has a nice blend of stories, articles and comic strips. Novel length stories are serialized, and arrive in chapter form. The letter column is often as much fun to read as the stories.
As with any anthology, Analog contains it's share of "misses." The good far outweighs the bad, and I strongly recommend it as a subscription.
Read Best Reviews of Analog Science Fiction & Fact Here
I've been a subscriber for about 40 years, from when it was named Astounding, and almost never disappointed. In addition to great authors (many of whom I met first on Astounding/Analog pages), great short stories, reviews, and feedback don't miss the thought provoking editorials. No matter who is the current editor, the editorials make you check your firmly held beliefs and preconceived notions, and *think*. You may not agree, but you'll definitely think. Well worth the money.Want Analog Science Fiction & Fact Discount?
For a long time I subscribed to both ANALOG and Asimov's Science Fiction but recently decided to drop the Analog. The stories are not as good in my opinion (as evidenced by fewer awards won), and a lot of space is given over to "fact" articles which didn't much interest me, especially since a lot of the news presented in those articles I had already heard before. So when it came time to cut my budget, I chose to keep Asimov's which offers approximately one more fiction story per month.Of course if Asimov's did not exist, then Analog would definitely be on my first choice. Both are fine literary magazines.
Analog 4 stars
Asimov's 5 stars
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