With a look and feel similar to US NEWS AND WORLD REPORT, this golf newsweekly serves up the news, most of the news, and little else besides the news of the golf world.
It's refreshingly thin and direct to the point.
Shockingly, even the advertisements promote golf rather than luxury products.
Just the news.I'm someone who is keenly interested in following competitive golf, both the mens and womens varieties, as a contested sport on worldwide venues. I'm also fascinated by the business of golf, as conducted by its various stakeholders the tours, the course owners and builders, the equipment manufacturers, the players and their various representatives (agents, lawyers, coaches, advisers, shrinks, branders, etc.). Sound like you? Then Golf World is exactly your cup of tea.
I am not remotely interested in articles telling me how to shave X strokes off my game, how to backspin a wedge, how to plan the ultimate golf vacation, how to choose the best golf shoe, etc. Someone got me a free one-year subscription to 'Golf.' I read not a single word of it. I glanced at a couple of issues and found a 0% overlap of the content vs. my areas of interest as noted above.
Golf World's writers are the sport's best Ron Sirak, Bob Verdi, John Hawkins and Jaime Diaz are four of many whose reporting and prose I'll put up against anyone in journalism. Of particular note, Sirak crafts pieces that often put a chill up my spine with their stirring emotional craftsmanship. The editors also deserve ample credit for maintaining the edge of the magazine. They keep it very relevant and newsworthy.
Buy Golf World (1-year automatic renewal) Now
Got the first issue yesterday (02/28/13) Enjoyed it. Size if the magazine is thinner than it used to be. But I will look forward to itRead Best Reviews of Golf World (1-year automatic renewal) Here
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