The articles are varied and extremely well written. You'll find subjects as predictable as the life of St Patrick and how Waterford crystal is made to how bogs are formed and the treasures that lie within them. The photography will make you want to visit every square inch of the country and you'll think the colors have been enhanced by computer but, if you go, you'll find they are true to life!
One of my favorite regular articles is by Christopher Moriarty who suggests interesting travel on Ireland's lesser known roads in Byways rather than Highways. You can (and I do) use these ideas for trips around the country while finding out interesting facts about places most tour buses pass quickly by.
I look forward every other month to finding this magazine in the mail. Subscriptions for other magazines have come and gone but this is one I'll be getting for a long time coming.My first introduction to Ireland of the Welcomes was a free copy of their magazine over a year ago. After receiving the magazine, it did not take me long to decide whether or not I wanted a subscription. It is a great magazine.
The photographs alone would sell me on this magazine. Is there a more picturesque place than Ireland? The first thing I do when I receive my magazine is flip through the pages looking at the pictures, usually more than once, then I settle down to read it.
Every issue contains a few regular features, one of my favorites is the one called Books. They recommend several books all of them having an Irish connection or theme. It brings my love of books and anything Irish together. There is a brief review of each book, the price and all the information you need to purchase it.
Each magazine starts out with letter to the editor, in which subscribers share stories of their experiences with the magazine and/or Ireland. Throughout the magazine there are several tips, guides and ideas to help those of us who wish to travel to Ireland, plan the best possible trip. I am planning a trip later this year and have gotten a lot of help from Ireland of the Welcomes.
Each issue focuses on a county or region of Ireland. This month's focus is the Midlands. They give some wonderful suggestions on exploring Louth, Meath, Longford and Westmeath. They point out some wonderful places to visit and a little detail on each one.
This magazine has a little something for everyone. The Irish people and their way of life are the heart of this publication; bringing a little bit of Ireland into your home. I have yet to be disappointed with my magazine or subscription.
Buy Ireland of the Welcomes Now
I received an "opinion poll" claiming I would be sent a free calendar if I filled it out (no mention of trial subscription or anything like that--I never accept such "offers.") I never received a free calendar, but instead started receiving invoices for my "subscription." Despite my contacting the company both by mail and by e-mail, I am continuing to receive the bogus invoices claiming I subscribed to this magazine. Watch out for any offers from or about this magazine.Read Best Reviews of Ireland of the Welcomes Here
"Ireland of the Welcomes" brings a touch of Ireland into your home with every issue. It takes the reader to villages, provides a taste of cuisine and introduces us to the customs and culture of the Emerald Isle. It is on the touristy side, with no deep emersion into the literature on which Ireland prides itself. For anyone with a desire to keep the feel of the Irish in their hearts, "Ireland of the Welcomes" is a welcome sight in the mailbox.Want Ireland of the Welcomes Discount?
Re: " Ireland of the Welcomes" magazine.I have taken this magazine several times so I am familier with it. I thoroughly enjoy it.
Betty McRae
Spokane, WA
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