Thursday, August 29, 2013


WoodenboatI have read this magazine since issue 3, which I bought at the Port Townsend Wooden Boad Festival (a long time ago). If you have any interest in watercraft history, craftsmanship, design, comment, or even armchair cruising, this magazine is for you. There is an emphasis on sail and human powered watercraft, but enough historic and nostalgic powerboating to satisfy this reader. If you subscribe, keep your back issues a year from now (or five) you'll go back to read an article you skimmed over the first time. Highly recommended for the non-cutting-edge boater.

It is true that this magazine isn't written for women. It is written for ALL who are interested in the technicalities, art and beauty of wooden boat building and restoration. If you want a magazine that is targeted specifically for women, it is true that you are looking in the wrong place. I personally happen to truly enjoy this magazine. This is regardless of the fact that I am through and through a woman!

This publication offers everything the reader would expect. The cover says it is "the magazine for wooden boat owners, builders, and designers". The content matches the promise.

Buy Woodenboat Now

A friend of mine at the Stoney Creek Wooden Boat Shop in Rochester, Michigan has been a faithful reader of this publication for some time now. I recently discovered it myself and find it to be very informative and insightful. It covers a broad range of topics from restoration, craftsmanship, history and more. My friend at the Stoney Creek Wooden Boat Shop is very particular about his craftsmanship and service on all of his boat building and restoration projects. Knowing he trusts this publication and recommends it himself puts the magazine in high place in my mind. Anyone who is serious about the art of wooden water craft or building wooden boats in general should get this magazine.

Read Best Reviews of Woodenboat Here

Wooden Boat magazine was gift for my son in recovery from schizophrenia. He loves boats and wants to build his own some day.

He doesn't live at home so he loves getting stuff in the mail and he asked specifically for Wooden Boat. He likes it because it helps him with his own efforts on designing boats.

Want Woodenboat Discount?

While you like me will probably never own a wooden boat or even think about buying one the magazine has some beautiful pictures of the craft and even though I am not a boat owner or user the articles interest me particularly about construction. It is not a magazine you look forward to receiving but once you receive it you do enjoy it. Remember how many issue you receive in a years subscription when you evaluate the cost.

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