Buy Redbook (1-year auto-renewal) Now
I enjoyed reading this magazine when I was raising my children because it had something of interest to almost everyone in the family. When the kids were at school, I especially liked putting my feet up and settling down with a cup of hot tea while reading the few short fiction stories that were featured in each issue.I was disappointed when the publishers went "with the flow" and discontinued the short fiction a few years ago, but I continued to read it for the other interesting features.
As the kids grew up and situations changed, I quit reading magazines so much and lost myself in my true love--reading novels. Thus, Redbook was lost somewhere along the way.
Recently, when I saw Redbook in Amazon, it was like seeing an old friend ... an old friend showing more "cleavage," to be sure. But, regretfully, that's the signs of the times. On a whim--I ordered a subscription. The price was right, and I haven't regretted my decision.
Some reviewers have complained because they think Redbook tries to appeal to too many sections of society, but I find that a plus. I like learning about things other generations and cultures find of interest.
Read Best Reviews of Redbook (1-year auto-renewal) Here
I use to read this magazine back in the eighties and I remember that I had enjoyed it. Recently I decided to subscribe to a few women's magazine,this being one of them.Upon receiving the first issue I could see this wasn't the same magazine I remember.Every other page is an advertisement.No wonder it's only $8.00 for a subscription they don't have to pay any staff,there are little to no articles.Very disappointed, I should have picked up a copy at the supermarket first to check it out before subscribing.Oh well, at only $8.00 it isn't a huge lost, but once the subscribption runs out I will not be renewing.I can recommend Good Housekeeping, Ladies Home Journal, and I was pleasantly surprised by an improved Family Circle.Want Redbook (1-year auto-renewal) Discount?
I was annoyed that this magazine seems to equate "mature woman" with "has kids". I enjoy the realistic fashion tips and advice, and I get annoyed with Cosmo's teenage attitude, but I'd like to see more about careers to balance out the "how to be a mom who does it all" sections. And yes, I'm not kidding...there's a regular section on being a mom who does it all.This mag will appeal to those who are in the mom/work category. Those of us who do not have kids but are still "grown up" will be a little left behind.
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