Several reviewer have complained that the magazine is short and expensive. It is. But here's why: there is NO advertising (short of anything American Girl related). In many magazines, advertising accounts for easily half the pages. And advertising enables publishers to sell magazines for a low cost. AG has no advertising and so has to charge a fair price to produce it. I'm more than willing to pay for that kind of publication.
Parents ordering for your daughters, you know your girl. If you've got a 10 year old going on 16, this may not be for your child. If you have a precocious 6 year old, she might like it as well. AG is the kind of magazine I'm glad my daughters enjoy.I am a sixteen-year-old former reader of American Girl who looked forward to it every month during elementary school. This magazine (as well as the entire company's products) encourages learning, thinking, creativity, independence, appreciation of the past, love of diversity, and self-expression. Finally in a world where half the women are encouraged to just be sex toys and the other half are taught that they should be obedient, unambitious, lower-class citizens and somehow enjoy their subhumanity, there is a voice telling girls to dream big, play hard, and explore themselves and their world. Educational, entertaining, and inspiring.
Read Best Reviews of American Girl Here
I'm a magazine major in college, and I'm studying AG this semester. I actually wanted to thank you all for your great comments on Amazonbeleive it or not, they're really helpful for my research paper!I was a huge fan of AG as a young girl, and honstly, even at 18 I'm finding that more than just researching the magazine, I'm really enjoying reading it. This is, in my opinion, the only respectable magazine left for young girls. It will never ask you to grow up too quickly or to change who you are. It will never tell you there's a certain way to act around boys, or wear your hair, or paint your lips. It doesn't insult with dribble about scandals and celebrities. AG glorifies girls. It asks their input, and really cares about the feedback (yes, I found out from interviewing the founding editor that they actually file every piece of reader mail for future reference). I urge you to get this publication for your daughters. It is truly exceptional.I ordered this magazine for my daughter for her eighth birthday, and she loves it! She is approaching her 11th birthday and she still loves this magazine. There is something in it for girls from every background. This magazine gets my highest possible recommendation.
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