Thursday, October 24, 2013


OnearthThe Natural Resources Defense Council, which produces "Onearth," has done a great job with this journal. I just received their issue on "nanotechnology," a topic that is already being utilized, but has received little scrutiny. Like most technologies, it will likely have positive and negative applications, and the people at "Onearth" are so good at providing thoughtful analysis of this and so many other topics.

"Onearth" blows the whistle on many ecological disasters, including the mining of "tar sands" in Canada, which will destroy a forest twice the size of Florida. Yet, little acts like subscribing to "Onearth" connects one to a large community of scholars, authors, journalists, scientists, photographers, educators and lawyers who are challenging the fossil fuel cartel and other industries that have little regard for what's left of the globe's wilderness. In fact, what's left of the globe's wilderness is specifically targeted by extractive industries as they contain huge potential profits for Exxon, Weyerhauser, Newmont Mining and other branches of the corporate leviathan. The Corporation

And it's people like NRDC's Robert Kennedy, Jr. who are doing great work to defend the earth. In addition to being a lawyer and a professor, Kennedy is an author Crimes Against Nature: How George W. Bush and His Corporate Pals Are Plundering the Country and Hijacking Our Democracy and a radio host on Air America Defying the Distortion: How We Created Air America, the New Radio Revolution.

For only $15, a subscription to "Onearth" is a great way to throw some grains of sand into the gears of the machine.

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