Why only four stars and not five? The magazine doesn't wow me very often and I have found that most of the articles focus on white bread middle to upper class Americans. I am not the sort of traveler who is going to be staying in $350 a night room when I go to Bali. The do have budget conscious or "nitty gritty" tours/hotels/destinations etc but there are fewer of those than luxury tours/hotels/destinations.
They also occasionally focus on trips that are a bit too exotic and remote. What are the odds that I will decide to scale K2, Kayak 28 days in the Arctic Circle or run a marathon in the Sahara Desert? The articles are okay to read but not in depth enough to be educational nor practical enough to go to. They do nothing but peak your curiosity a tad and then you move on.
So for me the magazine is only a 4 out of five stars. Will I renew my subscription, yes. Its a good magazine, but if your looking for something with just as good destinations, articles and photos with a bit less posh and unattainable, scope out the aptly names Budget Travel. If you have the money to burn when you travel and enjoy reading about other peoples extreme adventures this magazine will be perfect.I dropped my subscription to National Geographic Traveler after two years. The only really good thing about the magazine was the photography of the places covered--what you would expect from a National Geographic magazine. The articles and reviews in the magazines were generally useless for me as a middle-class traveler. I travel quite a bit overseas, but cannot afford most of the places NG Traveler covers. If you can afford the $300-$500 rooms at the places NG Traveler recommends, then subscribe. But if you are the average traveler on a budget, skip this magazine.
Buy National Geographic Traveler Now
This is a great magazine for the dreaming traveler. Unless you have quite a bit of money, this may be as close as you get to some of these places, but que sera, sera. The photos are of National Geographics usual great quality, and every now and then you'll find something close enough to home to actually see.This is a better than average travel magazine. Good mix of practical type stuff, budget travel ideas, and sort of 'dream trips.' I've read Frommer's Budget Travel in the past, and I like this one somewhat better than that. It is way better than the prestige publications like Travel + Leisure or Conde Nast Traveler, which cater seemingly only to the super rich.It took less than a month for our order to be processed. Wow, what speed! So far, my husband and I are very impressed with the magazine. This magazine seems to offer something for everyone from both budget and interest perspectives. (Not just a travel magazine for the rich.) The photos are, of course, absolutely fabulous too.
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