I first picked up this magazine as I was becoming a vegetarian and it gave insightful advice on not only foods, but politics, places and groups. An excellent resource and fun read at the same time. Amazon.com usually has the best subscription prices, but this time it would actually be cheaper to check out their website @ for a $20/year subscription.

This is a fantastic vegan magazine with lots of articles on the vegan lifestyle, animal protection, vegan book reviews, movie reviews and recipes. It's also a good source for lots of vegan products. I often read a review of a new food product and end up at Whole Foods buying it. This is a substantial magazine, about 100 pages or more lately. It's been around since the year 2000. I read it cover-to-cover as soon as it arrives and have ordered back issues from their website. It's one of those magazines I save and can't bear to throw or give away.
Buy Vegnews Now
VegNews has way more vegan recipes than any other veggie magazine (especially Vegetarian Times.) It's creative and a fun read. If you're vegan or just seeking healthy recipes and ideas this is the magazine for you.
Read Best Reviews of Vegnews Here
I have been receiving this publication for a year now and will not be renewing.
If you interested in Highly processed vegan foods, then this is the magazine for you.
It's a what's new and on the market now, type magazine.... There is little, to no information on
whole foods and healthy living, and very little in the way of recipes, except those offered by ads, promoting their processed products. Very dissapointed.
Want Vegnews Discount?
A year subscription is only $20 if you go directly through the web site.
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