Monday, May 12, 2014

First For Women

First For Women"First" is a magazine geared toward "women on the go". It is for the stay at home mom, who does it all(mostly for everbody else). Chauffeur, team mom, cook, housekeeper, hostess, financial consultant, lover, nurse and referee. It is also invaluable to those who must juggle the responsiblities of work and home. The magazine contains dozens of tips and and articles pertaining to making life a little easier. To help you find some spare time and maybe devote a little of it to yourself. It puts you "First".

It's well oraganized. Just thumbing through, you'll find what your looking for, as the articles are grouped by subject, and headings for each subject are shown at the top right corner of the pages. In a recent issue that I read, the subject matter includes 'Style', where you will find a few pages of realistic, afforadable wear, and tips on what might suit you best, 'Health', 'Joy', where you may find some inspirational stories from real people, 'Mmmm", this is an entire section of recipes that may be pulled out to insert in a notebook, 'Home', 'Love' and 'Fun'. There is even a crossword puzzle, and some jokes to give you a nice lilttle chuckle, that may be needed.

It's a great magazine for real women, with some fabulous ideas for everything from quick meals to decorating, to adding a little romance and stretching the dollar. You'll even find some wonderful excercise and relaxation tips. The price is affordable and worth all the great info inside. Also, you will not find the advertisements taking up more space than the articles..very nice.

So if your looking for newsworthy events or what's happening in the world of entertainment, you'll need to find the time to look elsewhere for that(after all, we "women on the go", want time to be informed as well), but for some time for yourself, check out "First".


This magazine has great recipes (at least they Look delicious) that are light or a good party pleaser, the recipies are actually written on the back of the picture so this has been the best mag if you just want to cut out the little square that takes one fourth of the page and put it in your collection.

Not that the fun stops there. This magazine has tons of pictures of celebrities usually in some form of a "mistake" and a "fix it" article. Yes the mag is definatly written for woman (though I am a guy) because it has details about fixing hair and clothes (which I was amazed that they had reasonably priced clothing)... overall I found that this mag was for actual practical use! Also every issue is written in a supportive way about how to focus on the body with a healthy diet.

I would suggest this to any female even if you just go pay the newstand price of 2.50 per issue. There are little antics through out the magazine which make it perfect to look through at an office or in luxery in what free time you can muster.

Buy First For Women Now

I first read this magazine while waiting in the hospital for my mammogram. I liked it so much I brought it home so I could order a subscription. I have never read a magazine cover to cover before and I have had four copies now and have read all 4 cover to cover. It has so much information and neat little off shoots that you are just waiting for the next issue. I have convinced my granddaughter who is a teenager to follow some of the healthy advice while trying to keep thin and attractive (what an age) she is doing the job with the help of hints from this magazine.

Read Best Reviews of First For Women Here

I originally "finally" found this magazine after multiple attempts since it is not something you'll pick up in your usual Wal-Mart, drug store or magazine rack at the corner book shop. I love, love, love every single column, every detail and every part of whatever it covers. What's so different about it? It's the first time in a long list of mag subscriptions I subscribe to that ribets my eyeballs into every single detail of what it writes. It is the mag of all mags for research on everything that we eat, that we buy ...landscaping, simplest/yummiest of recipes with a unique twist using everyday stuff. No big time ingredients needed. Logical/sensible weight loss ideas, unique beautiful garden layouts on the cheap, etc. Sort of a big time modestly priced elegant, layout on all that covers a home. This is like a cross between Dr.Phil, Martha Stewart, your doctor, your corner cleaners, and even moviestars with aesthetic problems! First For Women

Want First For Women Discount?

This magazine has really neat household hints and wonderful recipes. The magazine touches base on everything a woman needs, uses and wants!

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