Wednesday, May 14, 2014


ZoetropeI discovered Zoetrope through the Best American Nonrequired Reading (BANR) series. A significant number of the pieces in BANR are drawn from Zoetrope so I figured it would be worth checking out. I also subscribe to the Paris Review and McSweeneys and find that I only read about half of each issue before something else grabs my interest. But I have read the 4 issues of Zoetrope Ive gotten so far from cover to cover.

Its a steal at 20 bucks a year. And each issue has a guest editor and a ton of great artwork and design.

I highly recommend this.

The stories I've read in Zoetrope have been generally long with a surprising twist close to the ending.

You can check out zoetrope's website to see what's coming up before you subscribe. They sometimes have famous people (writers, tv producers, etc) contribute work.

Buy Zoetrope Now

I will say that unlike the other 5 star reviewer here, I actually prefer the Paris Review. But I also love zoetrope. Both are high quality literary periodicals with amazing content. Along with Tin House and Ploughshares, these are among my favorites, and the reason I check my mail!

You can pick up issues at many bookstores or check their upcoming featured authors on their website... but just take my advice and pick up a subscription. If you love quality literature.

This does make a nice break for me in between novels. Or to take a break during a 800+ page novel (or several breaks if you are reading Ulysses!). The selection of content is wonderful and I admire their commitment to featuring high quality short stories.

Read Best Reviews of Zoetrope Here

I picked this up on a whim. I wish I'd put the money into a book or a twelve pack of beer or an over-due parking ticket.

Want Zoetrope Discount?

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