There was a time when people had names and so did their animals. Everyone felt safe, had common sense, and practiced common courtesy. This magazine is from these people. Lynn Miller,founder,will fascinate you with ideas, a humble attitude, and the truth. The letters section is now my favorite. In this section, people go out of their way to help other people with problems only because they can. It is also very entertaining as it is not edited. Even if you don't farm with horses or ever intend to farm, read this magazine. It is not full of advertisements or people telling you what to buy and why. (My husband and I have attended some farm progress days. The people there are neighbors you would want to live next door to.) Small farmers rock. Don't believe the adverisements. They don't stutter or drool. Our best presidents were not lawyers, but true farmers,stewarts of the land.

Wow. I've seen & read lots of magazines that say they support "small" farmers, but not ones like me who actually still use horses on their farm. This one really is amazing. It's sort of like browsing through all those old farm magazines your Granddad had stored up in the attic from the 20s and 30s, but with all the information updated and useable for today. There is just everything in this mag. Draft horses galore, even oxen!! All being used on farms or for logging or county fair shows. And lots of other great stuff too. Like making real maple syrup from sap collected by your own family, or how to grow better tomatos. Lots of information on livestock and rare breeds too. If you have a small farm, whether you use horses or not you really should see this magazine. I was hooked from the moment i saw my first copy!
Buy Small Farmers Journal Now
Wow, what a great publication. If you are into farming with draft animals or with old time equipment and farming practices then this magazine is for you. Re-live history on every page. Takes me back to the good old days.
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