For this much hassle, I have to drop the rating down to 2/5 stars but only because of the publishing company. I hate to do this because I feel the magazine is very good.
The magazine content itself is quite educational and well-written. I do not own a motorcycle but I enjoy reading about them, as well as racing tips and other tool tips that I could apply to auto racing/cars. Many of the car magazines are more interested in selling aftermarket parts or reviewing expensive foreign cars that no one could afford even after 3 lifetimes. I discovered Cycle World to focus more on the relationship between driver and machine, even if the machine has only 2 wheels! I read many negative reviews about how Cycle World was only focusing on Japanese "crotch rockets" but I must disagree. I have found it to contain balanced content covering everything from touring bikes, scooters, beginner motorcycles, and up to the Super Sport bikes. If you're into motorcycles, Cycle World is your magazine.
I give the magazine itself 4/5 stars, but the publisher (whom provides the subscription) was a severe disappointment.I've been reading Cycle World since 1977 and it's by far the best all-round motorcycle mag you can get. It covers every aspect of motorcycling, including sport bikes, dirt bikes, standards, cruisers, racing articles, top-notch technical articles by experts like Kevin Cameron, wonderful features and articles by Peter Egan (America's most beloved moto-journalist), op-ed pages, etc. It covers British, Italian, American, Japanese and German bikes alike, with detailed performance and technical data. Even the advertising is good. It's a fun read, from front to back. Cycle World is a high quality magazine, just like its sister publication for car lovers, Road & Track.
Buy Cycle World (1-year auto-renewal) Now
I've been a suscriber of this magazine for about 15 years and find it the most well rounded writings of the motorcycle offerings in the US.If you are looking for a broad interest in motorcycle coverage this is it. For the price to content ratio this magazine remains a constant in my readings. I currently read about 4 brands a month and Cycle World is the first one I pick up.
Good Reading!!
Read Best Reviews of Cycle World (1-year auto-renewal) Here
Motorcycle enthusiasts are a unique breed and the main quality that sets them apart from the rest of civilization is their unyielding enthusiasm for their chosen sport/hobby. They often become consumed with biking and, like golf fanatics and others, they view every spare moment as an excuse to partake in their chosen activity.Cycle World is a magazine designed with the motorcycle enthusiast in mind. This publication is made for the type of biker who not only likes to ride his cycle, but also liked to learn as much about motorcycles as possible. There are, of course, plenty of articles in each issue of Cycle World that talk about the joys of riding and the sport of motorcycle racing. But Cycle World includes other articles, tooarticles that only the wellrounded motorcycle fan will be likely to read and appreciate. Some articles focus on new technology. Others dispense advice on motorcycle repair. There are also travel articles and personality profiles as well, making for a nicely rounded publication.
I'm not a motorcycle enthusiast or even a casual fan, but I still like certain sections of Cycle World and I try to read a few of them every month. My favorite sections of Cycle World are those that feature new products. Cycle World is among the first publications to report on new motorcycles and other related products and the magazine includes plenty of great photos, test data, and various statistics. In a matter of minutes, one can quickly learn the pros and cons of a specific motorcycle and more easily make a buying decision. Even though I am not a fan, I still like these articles because, like articles on new cars, they often include some very cool new product offerings that can easily impress anyoneeven a nonfan like me.
Motorcycles are loved by their many enthusiastic fans and Cycle World is a magazine intended for those who want a wellrounded publication about motorcycles, their upkeep, and their use for entertainment. Most of the pages in each issue are dedicated to the different motorcycles produced by different manufacturers, but there is plenty other information to be found in this magazine about motorcycles and Cycle World makes a good choice for those who want to know how to ride, repair, and enjoy their hobby as much as possible.The service provided by Amazon is amazing. The magazine itself is a wonderful read to have. Along with all the coupons & new information imputed into the magazine itself. Wonderful!!!
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