Saturday, September 6, 2014


TwistMy 11 year old loves this magazine and all the gossip that goes with it. It's the typical teeny-bop stuff she and her friends enjoy reading. I allow them one of these magazine subscriptions, but praise her when she spends her time reading the National Geographic and other books that she actually learns something from. I think withholding this from her would just make her want it more and obsess about it, so I allow it. Thankfully she seems to leaf through it, make a few comments, and then could take it or leave it. We do, however, discuss that she cannot believe everything she reads in these magazines.

Twist is overall a good magazine for teen girls ages 12-17, particulary those who like to read about celebrities, fashion, and beauty the most. It gives you the most updated info on TV, music, and movies too, which is a nice thing. The main focus is celebrities, however. Twist features everything that girls like to read aboutcelebrity gossip and rumors, posters and pinups, fashion and beauty hints, embarrasing moment stories, and more. It's a little bit more mature then J-14, M, Popstar, etc., so there are some topics about sex, romance, etc.

Like I mentioned before, this magazine is basically the same as J-14 and Mthey have mostly the same articles, features, and posters, but that's not a reason to miss out on this magazine. I would mostly recommend Twist for those who like these types of magazines but would like one that's a bit more mature and stylish.

Buy Twist Now

It is beyond me why any pre-teen or teen would want to read this kind of magazine. I was reading this magazine a couple of weeks ago on a ski trip because my 13-year old friend happens to get it in her mail. The truth is, this magazine lacks substance.

I don't see why people even care what JoJo's friend thinks about her being a celebrity, how MK is recovering in the hospital from being anorexic or what Jesse McCartney's marital status is. Leave the celebs alone; let them live their life. I've seen the same things printed in this magazine over and over. This magazine is shallow and is downright materialistic (i.e. some articles that I have seen on various covers were "Get him to do anything you want!", "What's Jesse McCartney's nickname?" and "Terrified of being alone?").

I don't like most magazines, but if you want a mag with REAL substance, look forth for Seventeen or CosmoGIRL! magazine. And to the preteens--skip this magazine. The editors write at a level that 2nd graders can understand. Read anything but this--your local newspaper, even National Geographic (one of my favorites). This magazine is $17 for 10 issues--don't you think that's a bit pricey? If you're a parent, please don't buy your daughter this mindless garbage. Can't you find anything decent for your kids to read?

Read Best Reviews of Twist Here

I must say that I've read just about every teen magazine on the market, and this is by far the worst one I've ever read. However, at this point in my life, everything appears superficial and immature.

I first picked up Twist when it debuted on newsstands. I believe that was in August 1997. I was nine then, and looking to be fashion forward among my girlfriends who were still into the Jungle Gym. Because of my insane desire to be cool, and because Twist wasn't too hard for me to understand, I loved it and bought it religiously for about a year. My obsession with it slowly faded as the magazine got progressively worse and I didn't pick it up again...

...until my junior year in high school. Looking through a then-current issue of the magazine, I noticed that the way in which it was written was MADE to be comprehensible to a nine year-old, or the lowest common denomination of older teenage readers. What I'm trying to say is this magazine is totally dumbed-down. It doesn't give girls any credit for being able to think creatively, let alone read above a fourth-grade level.

I also found the content to be more childish and superficial than other teen magazines (although they are all superficial to an extent that doesn't mean they don't make delightfully fun and entertaining reading to share with friends). Therefore, I recommend this magazine to tweens (9-13), and tweens only. But even they can do better than this magazine. Older readers should check out the somewhat more sophisticated 'Elle Girl' or 'Cosmo Girl', my two personal favorites.

P.S. I agree with one of the other reviewers who pointed out the numerous spelling errors in the magazine. Possibly my biggest caveat is the constant misuse of the apostrophe (i.e. Tuesday's instead of Tuesdays).

Want Twist Discount?

paid for in Nov for a year subscriptin...was to be a christmas gift for a 16 year old. Months later still no issues have been rec'd. Filled complaint. Rec'd two isses total since. 2nd complaint a few weeks ago. No answer. 3rd complaint today. Waiting to see if any feed back will be advised on status. They need to either update the expiration date so that she will receive all issues I paid for or need to issue me a full refund. Don't understand why no one has contacted me back after 2nd complaint.

Save 62% Off

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