Lots of variety in articles. Mostly articles and some helpful advertisements. Would recommend to any Puget Sound area dog owner!

I just picked up the premier issue of CityDog Magazine. I am so excited about it. After many years of perusing dog related magazines from North America and the U.K. I believe I can honestly say this is a wonderful magazine. That it is based in and about the Northwest and our LOVE for our canines is a big bonus. I highly recommend that all of the dog lovers in the area pick up a copy, better yet, buy a subscription!
Buy Citydog Magazine Now
I have been subscribing to City Dog since it began and the magazine has only gotten better over the years. Excellent content on where to travel with your pooch, pet advice and all things doggie in WA, CA and OR.
Read Best Reviews of Citydog Magazine Here
This is a nice magazine with high quality articles and nice photos for all things dog in the Pacific North West, or those that wished they could enjoy such great areas as this for dogs. I live in San Diego but I still like this mag and will be renewing!
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Really nothing
Only adds and very cheap printing
I feel sorry that I have a subscription on that
I should buy food for homeless dogs!!
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