Jewish Currents is a progressive, secular Jewish bimonthly magazine that carries on the insurgent tradition of the Jewish left through independent journalism, political commentary, and a "countercultural" approach to Jewish arts and literature. Now in its 57th year of publication, J.C. is undergoing a revival and expansion under the leadership of its new editor, Lawrence Bush, whose new column, "Religion and Skepticism," contends playfully with many manifestations of the "spirituality" of contemporary American culture. Other regular columns include "Jewish Women Now," "It Happened in Israel," "Inside the Jewish Community," "Our Secular Jewish Heritage," "Around the World," and "Mameloshn: Yiddish Poetry." The magazine is unique among Jewish publications in its historical awareness, its commitment to diversity and democracy in Jewish life, its readiness to publish fiction and poetry, and the independence and unpretentiousness of its voice. (taken from Jewish Currents website)

Here in North Carolina, Jewish Currents is a life line to Jewish progressive thought. Over the years it has become a full-fleshed, inclusive magazine, well worth the subscription.
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