I've been a subscriber to this newsletter since the late 90s. Traditionally, their recommendations have come out about 70/30 winning stocks. However, since the beginning of 2011, the losers have been outnumbering the winners substantially, and this is in a period when the Dow and the Nasdaq indices were up. Even with a few stellar performers, their overall performance in recommended buys has been fading. I will not be renewing my subscription.

What a dolt "Busy Guy" must be. He buys one stock, loses money, and says the system doesn't work. Get a brain. The Prudent Speculator, John Buckingham & company, clearly shows that about thirty percent of the recommended stocks will not turn out well, which is why they insist that at least twenty different stocks are a minimum (personally, I have over one hundred in my portfolio following their advice very successfully over fifteen years, thank you). That being said, you also have to do your homework to make sure that you have a well diversified portfolio based on industry segments and capitalization ranges.
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I would recommend this subscription to anyone who wants to be a value investor, but, you have to do your own research. After all, it's your money your investing. This is not for momentum investors. You buy the stock when it is out of favor and wait until Mr. Market figures out it is undervalued. Sometimes you have to wait a while. Sometimes it doesn't pan out, but, if you buy stocks that pay dividends and take the dividends in new shares, you can be rewarded well over a period of 3 years or so. OK, from 2001 till 2008 the market sucked. That happens.
A couple weird things to point out. I signed up at the end of May and they gave me 12 issues ending my subscription at the beginning of the next May. I guess they don't count the weekly updates as a part of the subscription. You get 12 subscriptions, but only 11 months of advice.
Also, if you go to this link, https://tps.magazinemanager.com/subscribe/subscribe_renewOnlineCF_TPS_Custom.asp?renew=&source=website , you can renew for 2 years at a discount, something that is not offered through AMAZON. Wish it was.
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I bought this publication. It touted a bank stock as one of the 2 best stocks one month to buy saying it didn't have any 'toxic' loans. I bought it. Turns out it had lots of bad real estate loans. Another bank finally took if over. Lost most of my money. So much for the research of high paid professionals.
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