If you're interested in reality TV and very young actors and pop musicians, you'll love this mag.I ordered this subscription on 11/24/08 and the first issue arrived about two weeks ago, almost even before I expected it to. It has been arriving on the same day every week, so I am not left wondering when it will come. I was worried about ordering a subscribtion online, but it it went very smoothly! I would order other subscribtions in the future!
Buy People (3-month auto-renewal) Now
Not only was the price the cheapest I was able find anywhere, the first copy of the magazine, which was supposed to start in six to eight weeks, came only four weeks from my order date. What a deal!Read Best Reviews of People (3-month auto-renewal) Here
I subscribed for a year at one hundred bucks. My mother-in-law and I both enjoyed reading it but, to be blunt, we didn't get that much enjoyment to warrant the price tag. By contrast, we adore VANITY FAIR and can't imagine life without it. I spend a lot of time on my computer and I am always plugged into the internet. I have also set up igoogle pages where just about every source on the planet has a gadget and listed items. I have an entire page devoted to entertainment and another entire page devoted to news. There is not much that I don't get right away through all the sources I have put on those igoogle pages. This made PEOPLE superfluous. If I'd been offered this magazine on a renewal for let's say a quarter of what the subscription costs, I might have taken the renewal. With the internet, however, gossip comes a lot cheaper than this.Want People (3-month auto-renewal) Discount?
All-aboard!The train leaves the station at 5:40, and pulls up to my stop around 6:30. I can get through most of "People Magazine" by then. So can you.
Not difficult reading, and don't expect to learn anything important. "People Magazine" is not meant to teach you anything.
Kick back, pull out your monthly train pass, set down your bags and flip through a few pages. Learn about the latest goings on of the rich and famous. See the costumes of Hollywood, and the cars they all drive.
And when you are done, leave on the seat for the next guy. He's had a long day too.
I fully recommend "People," but only if you don't expect it to be "The New York Times."
Anthony Trendl
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