Sunday, November 23, 2014

Quick & Easy Crochet

Quick & Easy Crochetthey could include more clothing patterns that are easy to follow. Most of the projects are for children's toys and doily's. For a prolific crocheter I suppose it's best to develop your own patterns because you will quickly get bored with the scant clothing items included in the magazine.

This magazine prompted me to crochet years ago. I saw a pattern for a crochet bikini that I had to duplicate. I did it but I took it apart & never made another one. So I suppose I owe my crocheting career to this magazine. It's a shame they don't include more innovative clothing designs with different types of yarns.

This little magazine is full of a variety of beautiful, charming and useful patterns from seasonal decorations, doilies and afghans to very pretty clothing and accessories. The patterns don't employ lots of special stitches so it's easy going for just about anyone. Having checked out nearly every crochet magazine currently offered, I'd say this is well worth the subscription price for all but those who want only specialty and/or really challenging projects.

Buy Quick & Easy Crochet Now

I somehow got on their mailing list and got sent several past due notices without ever getting a magazine. Did see the magazine and it's not something I would have ever subscribed to very poor quality and nothing in it that the other better crochet magazines don't already have. The price is also outlandish for the black and white newspaper quality.

Read Best Reviews of Quick & Easy Crochet Here

I love it as patterns are so easy. It has Many. I would recommend to all crocheter's.


sweetgirl532001 Wilber

Want Quick & Easy Crochet Discount?

I have had other issues of this magazine before so I know I will like it once it starts to come.

Save 21% Off

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