Buy Fast Company (1-year auto-renewal) Now
I recently canceled my subscription to Fast Company. I receive more magazines than I probably should and Fast Company was always the one I would get around to if I finished all the others. Although Fast Company has had some pretty interesting articles, I just can't stand reading an article or reading up to their constant fascination of the 'war between Apple vs. Facebook' or any of the other battles between larger tech companies. Who cares. Those articles become very stale and unoriginal. Fast Company is like the groupie for the dot coms or tech sector, whenever a small company like Zynga comes around, they think they're going to transform the world. They also have a lot of lists, which also gets tiresome. Their list of creative people issue pretty much takes up the whole issue, leaving nothing but some short descriptions of people. I don't want to completely bash the magazine because they occasionally do produce an interesting article being one of them. Also, I am a big fan of the infographics they have on their website. Since my feelings are somewhat mixed about Fast Company I would say it would be a good one to just pick up at the stand from time to time.Read Best Reviews of Fast Company (1-year auto-renewal) Here
along with WIRED, i feel that Fast Company is one the few maverick publications left in this merger and recession world. Even if you don't agree with the articles or predictions, at least every one is well-thought out and INTERESTING.I really enjoy this publication. It puts marketing and growth strategies within reach of those of us who fall asleep reading other business Mags. I've learned a ton and have been able to bring some of what I've learned to my job. It also helps consumers understand the marketing forces being put into play to capture their loyalty and their dollar.
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