Buy Working Mother (1-year auto-renewal) Now
I've read the past 6 or 7 issues of this magazine because they subscribe to it at the office where I work. It's definitely not worth paying for.They LOVE to highlight corporations who are helping working mothers and it often comes across as just free publicity for these companies. It's great that these companies are supporting working women, but not all of us working moms work there, so what's the point?
They also spend time each magazine highlighting certain working moms, but personally, I've never been able to relate to the women they highlight. Another reviewer commented that it's women making 6 figures, and I highly doubt that's the average American working mom. I guess this magazine is targeted to a specific type of audience, that just doesn't include me.
Skip this one and stick with the other parenting magazines for more useful info. This one just doesn't have all that much for the average working mom.
Read Best Reviews of Working Mother (1-year auto-renewal) Here
This magazine doesn't have anything useful for the majority of working mothers. Whether you're working for minimum wage, or you're in a professional field, it doesn't matter, this magazine is not aimed at you. If you're not the CEO of Kraft Foods, I wouldn't recommend this magazine to you.The first few I got, I flipped through in less than 15 minutes. There wasn't much that interested me. It's geared toward high-paid executives. There was a lot of profiles of moms that didn't help me at all. Even though I got this magazine at a discount, I wish I hadn't have wasted my money. I now flip through in less than a few minutes and then trash it.
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