Friday, September 6, 2013

Outdoor Photography

Outdoor PhotographyI started a subscription to Outdoor Photography last year at the recommendation of a friend. Despite the high price to receive this publication in the US, I feel it is worth it. For those of use who are used to reading fluff reviews and having 75% of the content in our magazines be product advertisements, Outdoor Photography is a refreshing change. The majority of this magazine deals with real photographers (especially amateurs) taking real photographs and the challenges along the way. Not only that, but the images in this magazine are top-notch. I enjoy reading product reviews where the reviewer isn't afraid to mention the weaknesses of a product along with its strengths. While the locations center around the UK, the techniques presented are universal.

This magagine is full of great aritcals and photos. I have learned a lot from every issues I have bought. I like to keep the issues I buy to use as a referance to use again in future. The only draw back to this magazine is the price, I think it is around $12 US Ouch I know! (it is printed in england). Although the price is high for each issues I think the magazine is well worth it becuase this magazine is not filled with 2/3rds full of advertisemnts and photo equipment store. if I want to buy equipmnent to do so on line. with other popular photo magazines we all see on every magazine stand every day if you are luck maybe get ONE good artical you can maybe learn form. Treat you self, buy an issue of Outdoor Photograpy (Not to be confused with Outdoor Photophpher although I like that magazine also, but that is a differnt magazine). If you enjoy learning new techiques and see great photos you won't be sorry you bought and issue of Outdoor Photograpy, you'll probably buy more issues like I did. I enjoy it so much I decided to buy a subscription to Outdoor Photograpy. Happy photo taking!

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(#1 REVIEWER)This used to be one of my favorite magazines, the photography is beautiful, but I recently stopped the many years of subscriptions because I felt it became rather repetitive. And given the price I decided it was not worth it for me. So maybe in a few years, I'll get another 1-year subscription. But a multi-year deal like I did before will not be in the future for me.

Read Best Reviews of Outdoor Photography Here

I subscribed to this mag several months ago, and have deep regrets (even at the vey much lower UK price). In short the magazine is very insubstantial, full of padding, badly designed and limited in scope.

The first copy that I received contained what purported to be a review of the Olympus E3,in truth it was nothing more than a quick stroll around the block, after taking it out of the box. Large indifferent photos to demonstrate white balance etc, very little on picture quality, and a half page `jargon buster' to tell us what `camera shake is. An insult to the intelligence of an 18 year old, let alone anybody very much older. In fairness the more recent test of the Sigma compact was very much improved.

The design of the magazine is a mess. Classically elegant areas of text and photos have been jettisoned as an idea, by the "designer", in favour of a mish mash of graphic trickery, with text on photos, and a most discordant appearance. Trying to read text with all this peripheral `noise' is impossible. Good job the text is in bite size chunks, and rather prosaic anyway. Reproduction of images suffer from having their hue and saturation being `photoshopped' to within an inch of their lives ---to give a very odd and unrealistic appearance.

Finally, given the infinite scope of the magazine title, the editors seem most reluctant to step outside of the UK. European towns, cities and wilderness are of infinite variety and beauty, before even thinking about America.

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