It is greatly under appreciated in my opinion. Having editorials that are informed and fair, that alone makes it stand out as a top tier newspaper. Fact checking definitely takes place in this outfit.
This newspaper covers army issues as well as world events, which is the right scope for someone not at leisure to go through a stack of publications each week.
With a year's subscription you are entitled to their specials on rest and leisure, reserve guard, and travel. These specials are insert magazines that totally cover the topic at hand.
Unfortunately the libraries I've visited do not carry it. Too bad for library patrons, really.
A great publication for military folk, and a good point of view for those outside of it.I get this every year for my father in-law who is retired Army. He reads it cover to cover the day it arrives in the house. Keeps him up to date on the Army life and issues that affect him as well.Army Times is a must for an soldier who plan to stay in the army.Gives you much needed up to date info. Pay scales, cut-off scores, changes in the army rules and reg. And just current news from around the world about the army. Served for 8 years including 6 month combat. Been out since 1997 but want to order home dilvery!
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