Thursday, December 12, 2013


DishI've bought several issues of Dish when on vacation in New Zealand, where it costs the equivalent of $6 US. It is beautifully produced, with excellent graphics and enticing pictures. The recipes are about right for my taste, fairly ambitious but not impossibly hard. Others might feel differently about that, of course. The recipes have metric quantities and oven temperatures are in Celsius, but there is a useful conversion page near the end of each issue. This may seem intimidating at first, but in fact you get used to it pretty quickly. Many or most of the recipes have full-page photos.

Many of the articles are local to New Zealand, naturally, for instance one about truffle growing there, so probably the magazine would not be as charming to someone who does not know that country. Still, it is a very good food magazine. It is just a pity that the very high postage costs from down under make it so expensive in the US.

Addendum as of 11/20/10: This magazine is available in electronic form on for the much more reasonable price of $19.17 for six issues. I don't think the web version offers nearly the tactile pleasure that the paper one does, but it is one heck of a lot cheaper. You can read parts of a sample issue at the site if you want to check it out.

I had to check this ad twice. Who would pay $100.00 for six issues of a magazine? I subscribe to over 30 magazines a month and I would not consider this magazine.

Buy Dish Now

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