Do not recommend trusting this publisher. Go with Cigar Afficiando rather than this publication.Thank everyone for their reviews. I'll make sure I avoid subscribing until someone changes the desire level. I read several issues but never subscribed. Seems it is a poor copy of C.A. magazine.I found this review helpful and thoughtful to share about Smoke Magazine. See the original post on .
Pros:Excellent writing and reviews, interesting articles
Cons:Needs more Contents, used to have it and they skimmed down
The Bottom Line: SMOKE is an excellent magazine that has informative and interesting articles, I just wish there was MORE of it.
I think it used to be approximately at least once a month where my fiancé and I would travel to either "Church Hill's" or to "Ambassador Fine Cigars," two of the finest Cigar Stores that we have found in Phoenix. However, I favor "Ambassador Fine Cigars" for their courteous service, excellent selection in cigars and overall atmosphere. When my fiancé and I walk in together to "Ambassador Fine Cigars" he runs right to the cigars, and I walk over to the accessory area, looking at beautiful lighters, pens, and ashtrays, oh let us not forget the humidors.
In any case, the Winter Issue of 2002-2003 of "SMOKE" was lying on the counter with a picture of Mariska Hartigay scantily dressed in a black little number on the cover. Some of you may not recognize the name Mariska Hartigay, who is the daughter of Jayne Mansfield who has now passed and of Mr. Universe Mickey Hartigay. Mariska Hartigay plays a lead character on "Law and Order: Special Victims Unit." Now does she ring a bell? Well it was her beautiful face (I am a woman and I can admit when women are beautiful because I am confident in my own beauty as well) that caught my attention since I am an avid "Law and Order" fan as well as the side words next to her, "Inside a NASCAR Pit Crew." Right then and there I was digging in my purse to make sure we had enough cash to cover this $4.99 magazine along with my fiance's cigars, which was the real purpose we were there. Ends up, we had enough money after all so be both left "Ambassador Fine Cigars" smiling.
Well when we got back to our apartment, I read the magazine from cover to cover. My fiancé currently was subscribing to "Cigar Aficionado" which I had found to be a very male focused magazine for its audience. When we had received "Cigar Aficionado's October 2002 Issue" I was thrilled to see the cover, "The Best Places to Gamble." We were getting ready for a trip to Vegas, which never ended up happening, but I was deeply disappointed by the articles that were enclosed in that magazine. They were all fluff in my eyes and really had nothing to do with what the cover said, telling you the "Best Places to Gamble."
Oh by the way, did I mention that I am NOT a Cigar Smoker? I am not sure if I did, so I don't read those magazines to find out what the newest cigar is or what the best of the best is. I read them for their articles (like he reads "Playboy" for the articles) and on that day I had finally discovered a magazine that suited both of our tastes, "SMOKE." My fiancé was able to look at the reviews on the cigars and I was able to read articles that actually interested me.
I may be jumping the gun here but I think the reason why I have found "SMOKE" appealing could be that the Editorial Director is a woman, Alyson Boxman Levine. It may have nothing to do with it but I just thought about it as I was preparing to write this review. I also noticed that "Cigar Aficianado's" Editor and Publisher was Marvin Shanken. Maybe there is something there, may be not, but it still makes me wonder and gives me something to ponder on for a bit.
Nevertheless, "SMOKE" comes out on a quarterly basis, meaning Winter, Spring, Summer, and Fall. It hit the market in the Winter of 1995-1996 with Pierce Brosnan on the cover and since then has featured celebrities such as Mel Gibson, Elle, Alec Baldwin, Dennis Frantz, Ted Danson and even Aerosmith. If you are interested in any of the archived magazines, you can order a back issue but it does cost a pretty penny. The easiest way to purchase one would be through their website which is .
I actually took a look at their website, which is very user friendly by the way, and they have a great set up to find anything and everything you need to. For anyone out there that is interested, you can submit for a contest to review cigars for "SMOKE" by just filling out the form and if they choose you, you could be one of the next reviewers or you could also receive a free box of premium "AVO UVEZIAN" Cigars by Davidoff. Either way with no purchase necessary, what is the harm in taking three minutes or less to fill out a form? As much as I love "SMOKE," I think I also fell in love with their website as well.
This review is about a magazine though named "SMOKE" and that is what I plan to continue with, but I just wanted you to see all the benefits to this magazine.
In every Issue there is the following:
Editor's Letter: A letter from Alyson Boxman Levine, Editorial Director and Mark Bernard, Editor regarding what is included in this particular issue.
Smoke Contributors: Short Biographies and Pictures of any Contributors to that month's issue
Smoke Mail: A Chance for us consumers to write in and let our voices be heard on past articles.
Smoke Front: What I would call what is the newest of the new from reviews on books to Donald Trump's launch of his own magazine, "Trump World."
Smoke Slant: Usually an editorial of some sort, in this issue it was about going back to a High School Reunion.
Smoke Drink: What alcohol beverages are out there, what is new, and what tastes best while smoking your favorite cigar
Smoke Undercover: A journalist is permitted in to regions that most reporters are not allowed to go in to, for this issue it was that catching article, "Inside A NASCAR Pit Crew."
Smoke Questions and Answers: "SMOKE" interviews and asks questions to a cigar makers such as in this issue: Litto Gomez who built the empire of "La Flor Dominicana" brand as they say into a "powerhouse."
Smoke Cigar Review: The Cigar Review consists of 20 panelists, who are photographed and have their short biographies at the back of the magazine, and they rate cigars. There are four panelists for each cigar and they rate on the following:
1) First the Dimension of the Cigar is Shown (they don't rate on this part, but it is informative to know)
2) Aesthetics
3) Construction
4) Flavor and Strength
5) General Comments
Just Added for Pipe Smokers is "Tobacco Review." However there were only Four Tobacco Blends that were reviewed on one page so I hope in their Spring Issue, which I have not picked up yet, they have increased this area.
There are usually four or five featured articles as well which in the issue that I started this review off with were:
Mariska Lays Down the Law: Biography and Conversation with Mariska
Pax Dominica: An in depth look into the making of Cigars in the Dominican Republic and how they seem to be catching up with the times.
Rocking the Cradle of Shortstops: A look into why 33% of all Major League Baseball players are from the Dominican Republic.
The Most Wanted List: A List of the best accessories for smoking, watches, and any "cutting-edge technology" to this day
Final Comments:
From a woman's perspective I really enjoyed the articles in "SMOKE." I felt they were interesting enough that I was able to sit down and read the whole issue, which I rarely do with "Health" or "O" that I also get every month. However, I was disappointed that there wasn't more to the magazine. I am not suggesting that it needs to be as thick as "Cigar Aficionado" but I do think that for an Anniversary Issue, it lacked more articles and information. Although, the articles I admit that were in there were quality and definitely superior over many other editorials/reviews that I have read.
I would still recommend the magazine to any "Cigar Smokers" out there and my fiancé said that he will continue to pick it up as well for the cigar section. (He still manages to get that "Cigar Aficionado" and "Playboy" through the mail though too without me seeing it somehow.)
Until next time,
K Parsons
p.s. If you are wanting to pick up the next quarterly issue of "SMOKE" in Phoenix you can only find it at "Ambassador Fine Cigars." So get out there and get your copy!As the title says, I never got the magazine so I really can't tell you how good it is....but I can tell you that I did get the bill for it!
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