Sunday, December 22, 2013


ZoobooksWe first ran across a Zoobook magazine in the gift shop section at Smoky Mountains National Park. I bought one for my then six year old younger son. He became so involved in it, and so excited, that when we got home I immediately subscribed, and the subscription continued for quite a few years.

Now he is out of college and working full time...and still has ALL his Zoobooks in a case, sealed up, in my house. That says something, I think, with all the books and magazines my kids were given over the years.

I do NOT know how the current issues are, but am subscribing for my 6 yr old and 4 yr old grandsons, the sons of my elder son. The older boy is currently REALLY into dinosaurs, and I recall with my son's subscription, there were quite a few that covered dinosaurs, as well as current animals, birds and so on.

I know the price is high compared to many other children's magazines out there, but I think it is worth it IF they are what they were approximately 20 years ago! At that time they were head and shoulders in quality above every other childrens' magazine about nature, animals, and so on, or at least until the child is old enough to read the adult version of National Geographic magazine!

Very highly recommended!

As to the price, I just received our renewal notice, and the Amazon price is identical for 1 year, minus the poster and stickers.

To the product, I grew up with ZooBooks and absolutely loved them (still trying to find my three 2 in. binders full in my parents garage); so as soon as my son started reading, we signed him up. Nearing his first year of subscription he loves them just as much as I did.

Now, having read and enjoyed them for years as a child, and now looking at them again as an adult, I must say, I am not sure the quality is now what it was 20 years ago. Until I find my back issues, I can not say for sure, but they do not seem to have as many pages these days. Also, I am pretty sure that 1 year equaled 12 issues, but it seems that the entire magazine industry is going to fewer issues per year to save.

All and all however, this is still a wonderful product for any inquisitive child and I happily give it 5 stars!

Buy Zoobooks Now

Our seven year old loves these magazines, and gets very excited whenever a new one arrives. We started getting them for him when he was only 5, and while he enjoyed them then, he really didn't get engrossed with them until he was 6. They have a lot of detailed information about whatever animal they are featuring, with gorgeous illustrations and photographs. They do include often include pictures of the animals as predator or prey, so if you have a child who is really sensitive to wildlife deaths, take that into account when deciding if this is right for you. (Our son isn't bothered by it, but one of his friends sometimes gets a little upset when looking through the magazines at our house.) These are definitely aimed at a slightly older child, so if you have a younger child, look at Zootles instead.

Read Best Reviews of Zoobooks Here

We bought a year subscription (10 issues) through Groupon for $10. I've seen them come through a few times now so if you want to order this great magazine but the price is keeping you from doing it look around. There are deals out there if you are patient!

Want Zoobooks Discount?

No the price at Amazon is the same as at the Zoobooks site, $29.95. It's true you don't get the poster and stickers but I like the convenience of ordering via Amazon and renewals are a snap.

My nephew, who is ten, loves these magazines and that's a good enough recommendation for me.

Dave in TX

Save 37% Off

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