Thursday, January 23, 2014

Sew News (1-year auto-renewal)

Sew NewsI have been sewing on and off for about 20 years and am always looking for ways to improve my sewing. I really like this magazine. Each issue contains instructions for several projects, but what I really like about this magazine is that it is full of tips and tricks that I can really use. Just as an example, my current issue (April/May 2011) contains articles on adjusting tension, working with knits, draping principles, pant fitting tips, fashion sketching and much, much more.

This is a great all-around sewing resource that covers all aspects of sewing. This magazine seems to be mainly geared towards the beginner or intermediate sewer, but I think even an advanced sewer may find it useful.

I bought this magazine via Amazon Mag Subs and have loved every issue. As a beginner sewist (sewer? seamstress?) I value their easy instructions, terrific photos, fun projects, and user-friendly layout. I give the magazine five yummly stars! I would happily subscribe to this magazine for years to come!

However, what seriously bugs me is the number of "renew your subscription" letters I receive in almost every issue, practically from the start of my subscription! Minus two stars. :(

Today I received yet ANOTHER letter that says (and I quote directly from the letter):

"This is the 4th time we've written with no word from you. We're concerned that you haven't responded."

They go on to state (again quoted directly from the letter, capitals are theirs):

"THE SHORT OF IT IS THIS... Service interruption is pending so we need to hear from you by 05/30/12"

Firstly, my subscription only expires in October 2012!!! Seriously???

Secondly, I subscribe via Amazon because I LOVE their customer service. I will NOT change and subscribe direct.

SewNews, consider this my "response": quit the subs requests before I quit my subscription! I don't appreciate being harassed!

Buy Sew News (1-year auto-renewal) Now

I have been buying this magazine for years! I keep the old issues for students and also for reference. What a great source of inspiration in every issue! I highly recommend it for anyone who sews or is interested in learning how to sew.

Read Best Reviews of Sew News (1-year auto-renewal) Here

Sew News is one of my favorite magazines. I like the auto renewal feature because it allows me to not have to remember when to re-new. What I did not like is that the auto renew waits till the very end of the subsciption and the last magazine is sent before it renews. This causes an interuption in the magazine and 1 or 2 magazines are dropped until the renewal kicks in.. :(

Want Sew News (1-year auto-renewal) Discount?

One of the best magazines for looking and planning. It has many great tips. I read it cover to cover.

Save 39% Off

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