Thursday, February 13, 2014

Cat Fancy (1-year auto-renewal)

Cat FancyI received a subscription of Cat Fancy as a gift from a friend who knows I'm a cat lover. More often than not, though, I find myself disappointed with the magazine, especially after I've finished reading it. The magazine mainly consists of a heartwarming story or two, a page of new products for cats or cat lovers, a breed profile, and a couple feature stories about selected topics (e.g. kittens, older cats, some medical condition). About a quarter of the magazine is comprised of ads for breeders.

Most of the time, the articles don't relate to my cats, and when I do see something interesting, the article turns out to be pretty vague. For example, there was an article on alternative/natural cat litters. The article listed a few different types of litter, but there was no information on the benefits or drawbacks of each kind. The gist of the article was pretty much: X, Y, and Z are different litters, look them up and see what's best for you. Most of the information in the magazine is either too general or too specific. I won't be renewing my subscription, but I would probably buy off the newsstand if I saw an article that applied to my cats.

As a cat magazine it's OK, but compared to magazines in general, it's not that great.

I recently subscribed to Cat Fancy after bringing two amazing kittens into my life. I previously owned another cat, now deceased, and I regret not having subscribed to this magazine for the seventeen years that I owned him as well.

The articles comprising Cat Fancy include a featured (centerfold) breed, "Ask the vet," "Humane Matters," and various other articles including topics such as how to know what various cat noises mean, and how to handle cats when you have allergies. The articles never go too in depth, but merely give the reader a taste of the subject matter, to be researched further should an interest be generated. Cat Fancy is also full of gorgeous photos, some of which are taken by readers and sent in to the magazine. The "Feline Bookshelf" section highlights more in-depth reads, as well as children's cat books. There is also an event calendar in which you can look up feline-related events in your area.

One of few things I really don't like in this magazine is all of the advertisements, as well as the huge directory included in the back. The directory may be useful if you are searching for purebred cats, perhaps for showing, but the majority of cat owners out there probably aren't. Furthermore, the magazine tends to be rather short.

Nonetheless, I find Cat Fancy to be a useful resource and an interesting read. It's a great way to stay current with kitty-related issues and items without constant visits to the vet. As with any magazine, certain articles are going to be more intriguing to certain people than others. However, at a price like this it really is worth the money for a year-long subscription!

Buy Cat Fancy (1-year auto-renewal) Now

This is a very useful magazine for anyone who has had cats for along time, or for those who have just adopted one. It focuses on Feline health, safety, maintenance, happiness & giving your cat a comfy home. In the Oct, 2007 issue the article by L.K.Kozlowski on "cat depression, was very helpful in dealing with a new cat arrival to my family, that did not sit well with one of our males. Cat Fancy features "Humane Matters, Ask The Vet, & many other topics." Such as what various cat sounds mean, & dealing with your allergies when you own cats. The latter is still a tough problem even after twenty five years of living with cats.

Most articles give some useful information, but few delve deeply into the topic. That is the only flaw with this magazine, it is too short. It also has great photos including many submitted by its readers. I usually like the "Centerfold Breed," article the most. This is always fresh with far more in depth information. Perhaps, it is not as good as it was five years ago? But, Cat Fancy still deserves four stars.

Read Best Reviews of Cat Fancy (1-year auto-renewal) Here

I found Cat Fancy Magazine to be mostly advertisements and breeders advertisements than real meat of information for cat owners. I'm also very unimpressed with their Cat Channel online board they advertise in Cat Fancy and cannot recommend it to others. They seem to have poor management of their online board especially on weekends so inappropriate posts stay there for a long time and a professional magazine advertising their own online board in their magazine should have their online board perfected before offering it. Also Cat Fancy pushes a ridiculous high renewal rate for their magazine, but if you go onto Amazon, you can get a renewal rate of almost half the Cat Fancy renewal price. So I have come to the conclusion that between the Cat Fancy magazine, their poor online Cat Channel board and the high renewal rate Cat Fancy charges, they are not interested in keeping their readers or online members.

Want Cat Fancy (1-year auto-renewal) Discount?

'Cat Fancy' is the best mass market cat magazine in print. It provides excellent information for cat owners and prospective cat owners on the mysteries of our feline companions. There are monthly articles on health issues and diseases, question and answer with vets and other experts, stories on animal rescuers, and extensive reader mail. Additionally there is a monthly article profiling a certain breed, and numerous photos (including the centerfold photo) of that breed. I appreciate their coverage of purebreds, but I am glad that the magazine does not dwell exclusively on them.

As a side note, it is much cheaper to subscribe to 'Cat Fancy' through Amazon than any other way that I can recall. At this price it's a steal, but it's a bargain at any price for a cat person.

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