Saturday, July 5, 2014

Premier Guitar

Premier GuitarThis magazine is a must-read event in our house and is avidly enjoyed. It is quite a nice size, especially for the price and the product reviews are carefully thought out and detailed. Even the ads are informative. All music spectrums are represented from classical to hard rock and every guitar maker is represented at one time or other; the focus is not just the well-known and the big American names. There are plenty of small-time luthiers and it is a joy to see some of their creations and read their views on the craft. If you love guitars, amps and all those little axeman toys, I highly recommend this magazine, if nothing else but for all the photographs to drool over.

I have been playing guitar for almost 50 years and I've been subscribed to all the guitar magazines since the 70s. This one is so much better than the rest that I don't know how they do it. There is twice the content of any other guitar mag and more than twice as much useable content for me. I could give up all the others and just keep getting this one... but I won't.

Buy Premier Guitar Now

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