Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Spin Off

Spin OffSpin-Off is the MUST HAVE subscription for anyone spinning fiber (wool, silk, cotton, flax, etc.) on a spinning wheel or drop spindle. There are also articles on using the yarn once spun, such as knitting, embroidery and weaving, and how spinners can learn to spin particular fibers for particular uses. Featured articles have been about dyeing fiber and yarns for knitting socks, spinning dog wool, and how to restore or tune-up a spinning wheel. There are often contests on spinning particular fibers. Advertisements inside offer a huge variety of spinning wheels, drop-spindles, combing cards and other accessories, which are often handcrafted. There are notices about upcoming shows and displays of spun fiber-arts.

It is an EXCELLENT magazine for new spinner and veteran alike!

Spin Off has lots of articles, not just on spinning, but weaving and knitting too. Lots of good patterns and info. I don't spin but love yarn crafts so I like it and get something from each issue. One recent issue had a hat pattern that I intend to knit for using odds and ends of yarn just like we all have left over from past projects!

Buy Spin Off Now

Spinning is an ancient craft. You read about it in all kinds of literature. You may recall Rumplestilkin. Many of the needle arts suggest you start with spinning. In the 60's one would carry it with them as they would knitting material. We would find many stores in crafty neighborhoods selling equipment and fibers at many stages.

Today for the general public it is relegated to a few TV programs or magazines. The skill is not lost, yet is not as visible as it once was.

For those still dedicated of having items that still take skill and craft we have this magazine. For dyed in the wool spinners a subscription is a must. For many others an occasional issue may have a particular pattern that they can use with had crafted or commercial fibers.

Don't be fooled by its glossy cover this magazine is technically ept and serves as a professional magazine. Even the ads alone are worth the price. We learn where to get materials for spinning dying and even ways to use our finished products.

Too bad it is just a quarterly.

Interweave press also produces some excellent books.

Read Best Reviews of Spin Off Here

I've been a subscriber to this magazine for over a year now. I got it because I was interested in seeing what spinning was all about. I was surprised to find that a lot of the articles in this magazine are not just for spinners, but also applicable to weavers, knitters, and crocheters as well. Yes, a lot of the articles are about spinning wheels, spindles, and such, however there are also articles about sheep, silkworms, fibre festivals, and other things of interest to fibre artists of all kinds.

In short, I really enjoy this magazine and believe it has a wider audience than just spinners.

Want Spin Off Discount?

My daughter just loves this magazine. She raises sheep and is a wool artist. I get it for her every year.

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