Friday, August 22, 2014

Equus (1-year auto-renewal)

EquusFrom beginners in the horse world to advanced equine knowledge this is a must on equine health, behavior and management. Going beyond just the basics the articles featured will bring an advanced knowledge of the horse. If you are just beginning your trip into the equine world you may not understand all the articles at first, but this will help you learn. As a beginner you may also want to invest in a book on the basics of equine anatomy and riding and keep it close by as a reference if you come across something you don't understand.

The more you read the more your understanding of the equine world will grow. This magazine is a must if you keep a horse or want to know more about equine behavior, management and health. In the December issue the magazine puts together a guide for that years publications so you will be able to easily find an article written earlier that year. I save my magazines and use them for research when I come across something that I don't understand or would like further information on. A real plus of this magazine is you will stay up to date on the latest equine research and findings. A must if you own a horse or just desire more equine information.

I have been a subscriber to EQUUS for about 4 years. There are 2 other mags that I receive that I trust as well, to keep me informed on the latest findings in research, diseases, equipment, training, etc. With the three mags, I am better informed and can be the best participant in my horse's well being. I can trust what I read in EQUUS. Every horse owner should add this magazine to their list of subscriptions.

THe other two magazines I receive are The Horse Magazine and the Horse Journal.

Buy Equus (1-year auto-renewal) Now

Overall I like equus. Some issues are better than others. I don't believe everything I read anywhere. But that being said it is fairly well done and educational and not just sales pitches and pretty pictures.

We are a medical family and sometimes I question some recommendations. But overall I find it educational and informative.

Read Best Reviews of Equus (1-year auto-renewal) Here

A wonderful mag on diseases, chronic problems, basic health and nutrition for your horse. Not much on the conservation of the horse, future of the horse or current practices of the horse. But great for health.

Want Equus (1-year auto-renewal) Discount?

I subscribe to six magazines, I have been cutting back on my expenses but this magazine will be the last to go.

This has been my favorite magazine for over a decade. I got in on the subscription when the magazine was a few months old. I keep all the back issues.

What I like best is the medical education provided in each issue. I have learned about hooves, eyes, tendons, muscles, you name it! The current studies and worldwide learning are fantastic. It is a more advanced publication.

If you are going to get ONE magazine and you want more than just fluff, this is the magazine for you.

Save 67% Off

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