Friday, August 15, 2014

Psychology Today (1-year auto-renewal)

Psychology TodayIf you enjoy magazines like People, that offer you a glimpse of the latest gossip or the newest thingamajig, then click the order button for Psychology Today.

As someone who was taking Psych courses as an undergraduate I bought a three-year subscription to PT. As I continued my studies, I began to just toss the magazine away as it would arrive. There is no real substance here for my interest.

The magazine offers great topics but just didn't seem to follow through. Most of the time I was able to guess what the overall article would be like after reading the title. New information was rarely offered that wasn't 'common knowledge'.

If you are looking for the quality of an APA journal, this is not one. But if you love the field of psychology as I do, it's a fun and relevant periodical. Kind of a Enquirer of Psychology. I find it a fun read when I'm relaxing, but be careful of their interpretation of research. You know how that can go. It's also got a flavor of Maxim or Cosmo type topics. Sex, relationships, dating, what do men/women like as well as diet/nutrition. Overall recommended.

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I'm a long-time reader of PT--I just read Aaron Knoll's review. I must agree in many respects. Since Daniel Goleman left the editorship of PT, it seems to me to have slid continually away from sound, scientific (insofar as the Art of Psychology can go), in the direction of the trendy, dare I say, Aquarian approach to life. There isn't really a substitute for the magazine, so I'd certainly like to see it become a little less like Soap Opera Digest. (I'm about to renew my subsceiption though!)

Read Best Reviews of Psychology Today (1-year auto-renewal) Here

Psychology Today is truly a magazine for persons who want some information about psychology without going to school and studying psychology. Therefore, there are going to be two mindsets about this magazine: The psychology students and professionals will think this too fluffy and stuffed with ads; and the everyday man on the street will say, "Wow! That was a pretty good article. I learned something."

My own experience is similar to the gentleman who purchased a three year subscription to Psychology Today and then wound up tossing it away more and more as his formal studies gave him an in depth education of psychology and how it is used. I loved this magazine when I was a teenager planning to work with people to help them solve their problems. However, these days as someone who has a master's in social work I would probably not get much out of the magazine.

The ads are certainly numerous and you get the feeling that Psychology Today wedges in just enough articles to keep subscribers interested while selling ad space to make big bucks. That's a shame.

Overall, this magazine is best suited for the everyday man on the street who has not studied psychology and who does not plan on studying psychology. These people will get a lot more out of their subscriptions to this magazine. I recommend this for the layman while students of psychology at the college or postgraduate level would do well to skip this one.

Three stars.

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I'm not a psychology student, and at this time, I don't plan on becoming one. For now, I'm a 25-year-old with a history of depression and OCD and I consider myself a bit of an autodidact. I have taken a few psychology classes in the past and I've also been known to read psych textbooks for "fun".

Psychology Today is certainly not a textbook and it's definitely made to appeal to Average Joe, which I think it does wonderfully. The articles are informative and interesting, but not too in depth. For me, it's a good way to find out about new ideas and then go and look up more information if I so desire.

If you're looking for a textbook, visit your local collegiate bookstore. If you're looking for an easy-reading source for good information to serve as a stepping stone to further studies, Psychology Today is a great place to start.

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