Friday, October 3, 2014

Gun Tests (1-year auto-renewal)

Gun TestsI've subscribed several times and allowed my subscription to lapse each time... Why, well to be blunt; several of the testers (no names are given) are strongly biased. Biased and prejudiced to the point where they ignore their magazine's own rules of whether a gun is a "buy now" or "don't buy". These testers poison the valid and fair tests the other authors put firearms through. I have seen reviews where the tester resorted to extreme nit picking just to find a reason to declare a worthy firearm a "not buy", and ignore the substantial faults of a lesser firearm so they can declare it a "buy now". So every few years I resubscribe hoping the firearm bigots have moved on...

Now that this is understood, there is no other organization, publication or otherwise, that I know of, providing any even remotely similar function or service. These authors come across as normal people you'd meet at the range and for that matter reflect a very similar set of attitudes in their broad range of opinions and attitudes. (e.g. John loves anything that shoots, Joe over there loaves anything that shoots so long as it has Savage on the action, Theodore over there is the pickiest shooter I've ever met...). So Gun Tests has no, or almost none, of the platitudes so prevalent in the industry and as can be read in Gun Tests; not every gun is a great functional and accurate firearm. The testers buy their guns at local stores (instead of having them shipped to them or provided otherwise by the manufacturers) Some of the results and "brand new in the box" shopping experiences they uncover can be alarming and should receive national attention.

So subscribe, grit your teeth when you run headlong into an author's prejudices, nod your head when a tester describes accurately something you've discovered yourself, read between the lines if necessary *even the biased reviews are worth reading) and learn the gritty truth behind many of our fine firearms. If I could've I would have given five stars to the magazine, but two stars to individual tester articles.

Its more of a newsletter than a magazine straight forward, black and white graphics, about 30 pages long and very well written. The only resource I've seen so far that doesn't love every gun it reviews like the more common gun magazines do. Probably something to do with the fact that its not beholden to advertisers. They review handguns, rifles, carbines, and just about anything else including some shooting equipment. Their reviews might seem harsh to some, but the high standards of most gun manufacturers deserves for great guns to be separated from firearms that are merely very good. I don't think they do regular features on the best used guns like Consumer Reports reviews used cars for potential problems and this would be very useful if they did. Gun Tests is essential reading material for anyone who is interested in becoming a more enlightened firearms consumer.

Edit: The pictures are in color now, they did this after I wrote the original review.

Buy Gun Tests (1-year auto-renewal) Now

I asked for a free issue, liked the first issue. Subscribed for 2-years.

Now I am receiving collection agency notices. These are the serious notices; the ones you have to write a letter disputing the debt within 30-days, or they ding your credit and file for a judgement against you.

No magazine is worth having your credit trashed.

The enjoyment I received from this magazine is totally overcome by now having to deal with debt collectors. Worse that I am more than fully paid.

Read Best Reviews of Gun Tests (1-year auto-renewal) Here

No glossy photos. No hype. No quarry. No erectile-dysfunctional advertisements. This magazine is a serious, no nonsense review of the guns (handguns and long guns) new and used on the market. It's the only gun magazine that I keep all the back issues for reference.

Want Gun Tests (1-year auto-renewal) Discount?

Received correspondence in the mail a few months ago about a free issue of gun tests. All you had to do was send a sheet in and get a free issue. You know, try it before you buy it. Well never order a subscription and I received another issue then they stopped coming. Just received a collection notice today from a North Shore Agency saying Gun Tests issued a collection against me. Again, I never subscribed to this magazine. Called the collection agency and got ahold of no one. Decided to call Gun Tests itself and talked to a guy. Explained that we have a problem and that they turned me into a collection agency. Now what is funny is they guy asked me my zip code and address. During this I explained what was going on and how I seen on Amazon that this has happened to a few different people. Dude said nothing, no apology, and was totally quite during this. Then said as he just cancelled the collection notice. Never once did he explain what, how or why they did this and no apology. Makes me think that they do this on a regular occasion to try and get people to pay. Again, never once received a bill or anything until the collection notice. Well Gun Tests, this is a backhanded attempt to get people to buy their product. Heck, they probably will soon stop sending free issues out and just start sending collection notices to random people. What a quality company. By the way, I will be turning these dirtbags to the Better Business people. And to the guy that got the same scam and actually paid the bill because he felt it would ruin his credit, brother you need to go after these guys. What they do is wrong. If it has happened to a few people so far, I wonder how long they have been doing this. This is no random/accidental mistake. This is straight up FRAUD.

Gun Tests # 1-800-829-9084

North Shore Agency 1-877-238-1244

Save 66% Off

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