Thursday, October 9, 2014

The Magazine Antiques (1-year)

The Magazine AntiquesThis is an informative magazine for antiquarians and persons interested in interior design and Decorative Arts. The articles are well-written and accompanied by good photographs and illustrations. It is a pleasure to read and you will come away from it each time learning something new that is worth remembering.

I thought this magazine would be full of pages about Antiques with pictures, explanations of the items and possible values. I found it had too much advertising, not enough about Antiques/Antiquing for my taste. It has very high quality/high priced antiques, so if this is what you collect or are interested in this is for you. The printing is lovely. I was looking more for antiques like you might acidentally find, not the ones you have to mortgage your home to own! Others may love this magazine but I didn't. Cancelled this magazine.

Buy The Magazine Antiques (1-year) Now

Antiques Magazine is a publication made for antique lovers and history buffs and its pages are loaded with photos of artistic paintings, handmade goods, rare pictures, and other items of similar nature. It is a magazine for those who love antiques and also those who consider themselves historians since many articles deal with historical collections of art and antiques.

This magazine is overflowing with antique goods and information. The articles contained in this magazine are intended to be visually stimulating in some cases, educational in others. They offer history lessons on the art that was popular during a specific era, a glimpse into an art collection at a museum, and more. The articles are meant to stimulate the interests of those who already like this subject and they often provide a means to learn more, to discover places to see or purchase some of the featured works, and to develop an appreciation for the craftsmanship that went into making these items.

Antiques Magazine is a publication dedicated to creative art and history but one thing that isn't very creative is the titles of the articles. This might surprise some readers at first, but the editors at Antiques decided to get straight to the point in the naming of the featured articles rather than try to be creative. The features thus have titles like "The Eating Utensil Collection", "Spanish Culture in Art", etc. Each title points out exactly what the article covers, leaving nothing to the imagination.

The writing in Antiques is certainly good and welledited. But I'm afraid that many readers will find the articles a little boring. They describe things well and they usually offer a good history lesson. But they lack spark and readability. I have tried to read some articles in this magazine and found my eyelids getting heavy and my thoughts drifting to other subjects. This is why I generally stick with the pictures when I glance at Antiques Magazine. I don't bother reading because most of the material doesn't keep my interest.

Overall, Antiques Magazine is an okay publication and unless you have a deep interest in antiques and their history, you will likely become bored quickly if you try to read the articles. But the pictures in Antiques are often very interesting. Even if you have little interest in reading a magazine like this one, the photos alone make it worth an occasional look.

Read Best Reviews of The Magazine Antiques (1-year) Here

This beautiful magazine is in itself a work of art. The quality of every page and bits of information is fascinating.I see the art, the homes and read every word including the ads. I first discovered this gem in London many years ago and now it is in my home and very welcome at that.

Want The Magazine Antiques (1-year) Discount?

Enjoying the magazine overall. Very nice transaction. The photographs are lovely. I would recommend this to anyone interested in art, antiques, or even household design.

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