Thursday, December 11, 2014

Alfred Hitchcock Mystery Magazine

Alfred Hitchcock Mystery MagazineAHMM always seemed like a poor cousin to its sister publication Ellery Queen (EQMM). The stories don't have individual lead-in blurbs; instead, a brief editorial mentions any particularly interesting stories, introduces new writers, or calls attention to new departments in the magazine.

The stories, while not as polished or literary as in EQMM, are usually enjoyable. Some authors return to the same characters and I often look forward to their pieces, such as John H Dirckx's Detective Auburn, or D.A. McGuire, who had an excellent series with a preteen detective. Many new writers try the waters of AHMM first and then move "up" to EQMM.

In addition to the expected book review column, AHMM features a reader's contest called "Mysterious Photograph" where you can send in a short-short based on a photo they supply; there is a crossword or acrostic puzzle, and a new feature includes interviews with well-known mystery authors.

If you love mysteries, especially the short-story form, you should be getting both AHMM and EQMM.

Note: Starting with the 2004 issues, AHMM now publishes 10 issues a year; 2 are "double issues" with almost twice as many pages.

Though mystery novels have never been more popular, we seem to have forgotten the pleasures of the short story. Every month, AHMM offers a satisfying range of stories from noirs to cozies, from contemporaries to historicals, by both established writers and newcomers. This is a great place to spot talent on the way up or to sample the work of writers you don't know (without committing to a novel). Plus, short stories are perfect for the bus or the subway. Once, a wide range of magazines published short fiction in a variety of genres; AHMM is one of the few still upholding that proud tradition.

Buy Alfred Hitchcock Mystery Magazine Now

I have subscribed to both Alfred Hitchcock and Ellery Queen for years. EQMM is usually a notch better in quality, but AHMM is the avenue for new writers to use more often. As such, the quality of writing is more erratic, but the stories are often more adventurous and the voice a little fresher. Not only that, but AHMM has a monthly contest which is fun and challenging for writers at any level, and a monthly logic puzzle which is always entertaining.

Read Best Reviews of Alfred Hitchcock Mystery Magazine Here

These books fit nicely on the cardio machines I use at the gym. As for me, I'd leave an iPad or Kindle on the machine and be halfway home before I miss it. If I do that with one of these books, so what? There'll be another in the mailbox in a couple of weeks.

I go there, get up on the elliptical trainer or treadmill, bury my nose in a well written mystery and 40 minutes later I'm done. I lost 100 pounds in 12 months by doing this. Make AHMM and EQMM part of your healthy lifestyle change today.

PS, I think the writing is great. It's clean, clever, witty and most of the authors have a really enjoyable writing style and voice. This review is for AHMM but I'm going to paste it into a review for EQMM as well.

Want Alfred Hitchcock Mystery Magazine Discount?

When it comes the the unusual, the more literary and the suspenseful, it's Hitchcock for me! The magazine allows for stories with the supernatural and that tends to keep the reader guessing until the end, as opposed to the typical cop/detective/sleuth tales in EQ. I love the often-moody atmosphere and the scene-building in Hitchcock.

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