Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Focus on the Family Clubhouse

Focus on the Family ClubhouseThe review was written by a real tween girl. This is a great magazine for every tween. Clubhouse has every thing for everybody. It has cool Christian comics, nice pictures and has easy to understand stories. It also has reviews from a Christian perspective about media you see daily, from the Jonas Brothers to newest movies and CDs. I do recommend Clubhouse for advanced 9 year olds to 13 years. The magazine even has cool stories with more than one ending. You chose the ending you like! Clubhouse is a fun to find in the mail.

My children 10 and 12 yrs. love this magazine. It is young enough for the age group, but not too young so they lose interest. The content is very well put. The problem/solutions are true to life. My little girl said "I love Club magazine, it's the best ever. It teaches me about God, and explains problems." That encouraged me to find old issues of the mag. for sale. I have renewed our subscription as well.

Buy Focus on the Family Clubhouse Now

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