Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Interweave Crochet

Interweave CrochetI subscribe to Crochet! Magazine and this Interweave crochet publication is another of my favorite crochet magazines. It has the "quick & simple" project, but also lovely and imaginative patterns--check it out at your local bookstore or go their website: to get info and check out their free pattterns. Many of the patterns are of the vintage patterns modernized vein. I highly recommend this magazine for yourself or as a gift for that special person that loves crochet.

I am young and rather picky, but I can always find something to please my eye and needle wtih this magazine. The clothing patterns don't look hideous and boxy. I think that Interweave does a good job with it's offerings. I also like "Crochet Today!" by Future Publications. I think that between the both of them I always have more that I want to do than I have time for. IC is a magazine with a focus on patterns with a classic, but trendy and modern appeal. CT! is a fun look at the possibilities of crochet (such as, amigurumi)and an updated twist on older patterns with modern appeal. The two together give me so much to do that I never complete it all, but I love to look. CT! has more small scale projects and IC has a larger selection of non-craft items.

Buy Interweave Crochet Now

I recommend this magazine 100%. Also the knitting version. I also advise that this product is better to subscribe going directly through their web site, you'll get a better price offer, and even though this is on special with Amazon (30% off today when I'm writing this review), when I subscribed in the web site, I got my first issue in about three weeks after subscribing.

Read Best Reviews of Interweave Crochet Here

Over the past four to five years, I have spent several hundred dollars in publications, video downloads, eMags, etc. pertaining to my craft of the moment. I picked up spinning in the past two years and taught myself how to spin from Interweave's vast online resources. All in all, I am now able to spin with very good consistency, 3 ply sock yarn or 3 ply lace, on up to worsted weight using several drafting methods. I also am adept at plying, carding, combing and dying wool, alpaca, and cotton. All this from the information I obtained from Interweave and the virtual Judith Mackenzie, who has been at my side whether she knows it or not. I will not give Interweave a higher score because of an issue that I ran into this morning, which has happened several times before: Bait and switch price marketing.

Numerous time I have found coupon codes that will give a discount during the checkout process only to mysteriously disappear before the bill in finalized. I've been offered $1 off on third party issues of Colorways eMags, through iTunes, only to be charged the full price by iTunes. And once again this morning I received a VIP Early Pass to receive 70% overstock items before everyone else since I am 'such a good customer.' The item is advertised in the email at $8.98. It shows up in the shopping cart as $20.98 even after I log into my account and go to PayPal. And I've been down the road of completing the purchase and it 'supposedly' sorts itself out in the end. It does not. You have to call to sort it out if you want you discount. Even then, they make it sound as if I have done something wrong. I warned customer service the last time that this happened that I would write a scathing review it it happened again, so here it is.

Cheating is stealing and I don't appreciate it. I challenge Interweave to fix this problem and make it right.

Want Interweave Crochet Discount?

Interweave Magazine is a great magazine for crocheters who love to crochet clothing and to see and read about the latest out there for crochet. Interweave brings many different types of designer patterns. The magazine is a must have for budding crochet designers and those who love to make clothing.

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