Friday, January 31, 2014

Popular Photography (1-year auto-renewal)

Popular PhotographyI have subscribed to Popular Photography for about 5 years. I intend to continue subscribing because it has the most product reveiws of any photo magazine that I have encountered. It allows me to keep up with what's new in the way of equipment. Of particular interest are the lens tests. Pop Photo tests most new lenses for 35 mm cameras, which is more than any other source that I know of.

Now to the bad part: I find that the articles that are not related to products reviews are primarily intended for novices, and they are very repetitive. If you've subscribed for more than a year, you will find that many basic subjects are treated over and over again. And I have always been disappointed in the subjects of the articles, which are just very unimaginative. Photography is such a huge subject, with many interesting and idiosyncratic techniques available. There is no need to stick to the same handful of subjects. It's uninspirational, and it's bad editing, frankly. I do like Herb Keppler's monthly column. He's a plain-spoken guy who usually has something useful to say. More evidence of editorial laziness is that Pop Photo essentially puts their annual product guides in the magazine. This means that several of their issues are dominated by pages and pages of charts telling you what is available this year in SLR's, point-and-shoots, film, zoom lenses, etc. There is very little else in those issues. Other magazines put their product guides in a separate publication that is available on the newsstand.

In summary, Pop Photo has a wide audience and a lot of potential, but needs a better Editor. The product reviews and tests are worth the price of the subscription to me, but that is really what the magazine excells at.

I have been a subscriber for a few years and have found alot of the articles repetitive and not all that educational. Recently I have subscribed to Shutterbug which is a much better magazine for both the novice and professional photographer. Its articles are insightful and even after many years they still can teach this old photographer a few new tricks !!!!

Buy Popular Photography (1-year auto-renewal) Now

Pop Photo is a good general purpose photography magazine. The coverage of new trends and products is good and the techncial reviews of equipment can't be beat.

There is a tendency for the editorial staff to be combative with letter writers (check the letters to the editor). This can be annoying, and fortunately they've mellowed out a bit over the past couple of years.

Good travel photo column, and the readers photos segement is the first thing I look for every issue.

One caveat, if you're a digital photographer looking for in-depth digital how-tos this isn't the mag for you.

Read Best Reviews of Popular Photography (1-year auto-renewal) Here

The Good


* This is a nice magazine for the price.

* It has some informative articles, which maybe useful to newcomers to photography in general or the digital aspects of photography.

* If you are getting started in photography, or you are at a beginner/amateur level, this magazine can be very helpful as a stepping stone

* If you are an experienced amateur/pro, you can still like this magazine, but don't expect many in-depth/advanced topics.

* The Monthly Lens reviews are helpful to SLR/DSLR users

* For people who like to flip through magazines and even look at ads from different vendors, this is a good resource.

The Not so good


* The technical reviews of digital cameras are skin-deep compared to the in-depth technical reviews by the online photography sites (such as dpreview).

* Sometimes the reviews are word-smithed in such a way that they avoid saying negative things, so -at timesyou have to pick-up on what is not said in the review in order to figure out if there's something wrong with a product.

* The "News" are 4-12 weeks behind real time.

* If you expect in-depth or pro-level articles, those are rare.

Consumer beware segment


Towards the back of the magazine there are plenty of ads from various mail-order vendors. Some of them are very reputable, honorable and reliable vendors such as B&H and J&R.

However, some other vendors are less than stellar to put it in mildly. You will recognize them by the too-good-to-be-true super-low prices, and they usually practice "bait & switch" among other things. These have been documented on various websites and photography forums. If you are not familiar with all these, and you see prices that are very low, you may want to do some research before purchasing.

Want Popular Photography (1-year auto-renewal) Discount?

As a budding amateur photographer, I was hoping this magazine would have good tips and interesting articles. But, instead, there's a lot of product reviews for things that I don't need. It's fine to have one section on products, but I didn't know that's what the whole magazine was about. I have a year subscription, but I just keep throwing the magazines away when they arrive. I don't have the inclination to look through them anymore.

Save 74% Off

National Geographic Traveler

National Geographic TravelerI have subscribed to National Geographic Traveler for almost a year and find it fairly enjoyable. The destinations are good, the photos are good and the articles are good. But also nothing to knock your socks off.

Why only four stars and not five? The magazine doesn't wow me very often and I have found that most of the articles focus on white bread middle to upper class Americans. I am not the sort of traveler who is going to be staying in $350 a night room when I go to Bali. The do have budget conscious or "nitty gritty" tours/hotels/destinations etc but there are fewer of those than luxury tours/hotels/destinations.

They also occasionally focus on trips that are a bit too exotic and remote. What are the odds that I will decide to scale K2, Kayak 28 days in the Arctic Circle or run a marathon in the Sahara Desert? The articles are okay to read but not in depth enough to be educational nor practical enough to go to. They do nothing but peak your curiosity a tad and then you move on.

So for me the magazine is only a 4 out of five stars. Will I renew my subscription, yes. Its a good magazine, but if your looking for something with just as good destinations, articles and photos with a bit less posh and unattainable, scope out the aptly names Budget Travel. If you have the money to burn when you travel and enjoy reading about other peoples extreme adventures this magazine will be perfect.

I dropped my subscription to National Geographic Traveler after two years. The only really good thing about the magazine was the photography of the places covered--what you would expect from a National Geographic magazine. The articles and reviews in the magazines were generally useless for me as a middle-class traveler. I travel quite a bit overseas, but cannot afford most of the places NG Traveler covers. If you can afford the $300-$500 rooms at the places NG Traveler recommends, then subscribe. But if you are the average traveler on a budget, skip this magazine.

Buy National Geographic Traveler Now

This is a great magazine for the dreaming traveler. Unless you have quite a bit of money, this may be as close as you get to some of these places, but que sera, sera. The photos are of National Geographics usual great quality, and every now and then you'll find something close enough to home to actually see.

Read Best Reviews of National Geographic Traveler Here

This is a better than average travel magazine. Good mix of practical type stuff, budget travel ideas, and sort of 'dream trips.' I've read Frommer's Budget Travel in the past, and I like this one somewhat better than that. It is way better than the prestige publications like Travel + Leisure or Conde Nast Traveler, which cater seemingly only to the super rich.

Want National Geographic Traveler Discount?

It took less than a month for our order to be processed. Wow, what speed! So far, my husband and I are very impressed with the magazine. This magazine seems to offer something for everyone from both budget and interest perspectives. (Not just a travel magazine for the rich.) The photos are, of course, absolutely fabulous too.

Save 70% Off

Linux Format - Incls Linux Format - DVD

Linux Format - Incls Linux Format - DVDThere are several Linux magazines out there, but this one, Linux Format is probably #1, Linux Pro Magazine is probably #2. However, they are priced ridiculously high...about $150 to $200 per year!!! NOT BEGINNER FRIENDLY!!

It is more than about time the Linux FORMAT started offering subscriptions without the DVDs or even better an online .PDF version to lower the costs. Until then, I will stick with the MANY online resources and FREE online magazines out there.

Linux is about freedom and being advanced...being cutting edge and thinking outside the box, yet Linux Format continues to "stay the course" and only offer a subscription with DVD. The magazines pile up, the DVDs never see the light of day (how many distros can you possibly test drive in a year for God's sake???) and your money gets wasted.

As far as I am concerned and as much as I love the writing behind Linux Format, I think the executive people behind it are ripping us all off.

I've been reading Linux Format for a few years now. This magazine is typical of the excellent quality of many magazines published in England about the whole range of subjects. Having said that it's the best on the market, I should qualify that a little, by pointing out that I'm not a Linux developer/guru so I'm coming at it from the viewpoint of the relatively casual intermediate level user. There may be Linux magazines that are better if you're a Linux system administrator, or if you are developing software for Linux.

I enjoy the variety of articles covering various aspects of Linux and the "How-TO" articles as well as reviews of products and software for Linux.

I sure wish it was a bit less pricey, though.

Buy Linux Format - Incls Linux Format - DVD Now

This is, in my view, the best "using Linux" magazine on the market. There's a lot of information in each issue, it's an entertaining read, and the coverage is broad enough that you're likely to learn a fair amount if you read it cover to cover.

The quality is sometimes uneven, though. The "Roundup" feature, in particular, has of late used such narrow review criteria that it feels like looking through a keyhole. The all white male editorial staff that they seem to have settled on can be annoying as well. As others have pointed out, though, the biggest negative to this magazine is the fact that it's only available in paper form with an accompanying DVD and, outside of the UK, an astonishing subscription price. I'd love to keep getting it, but have a hard time justifying to myself a subscription price that's now north of $15 US per issue. When we start talking that kind of money I'd think that I'd rather donate it to open source projects.

Read Best Reviews of Linux Format - Incls Linux Format - DVD Here

I've purchased several Linux magazines over the years and find myself coming back to Linux Format time and again, from the bookstore even, regardless of the the price. But what people I don't think realize is that the magazine is not published in the US. Its published in Britain and is sold primarily there. So when its sold in the states it is, unfortunately, subject to the current exchange rate.

Want Linux Format - Incls Linux Format - DVD Discount?

I agree with others, Best Linux Magazine out there, you will get a lot for you money. But it is a lot of your $$.

Thursday, January 30, 2014

Airstream Life

Airstream LifeEvery Airstream owner should be getting this magazine. There is a great variety of articles ranging from tectnical tips to Airstream history to places to go with your Airstream.

The magazine is printed on glossy stock with great photography. Advertisements are limited and Airstream related so that there is more information in this magazine for its size than the typical RV magazine.

I've been reading Airstream Life since it's beginning. I also read several other "RV" magazines. Airstream Life stands out among the crowd of "RV style" publishers.

The magazine is quality. This is not your standard flimsy paper magazine. Each issue is thick, perfect bound, and color throughout.

On top of the physical quality, what goes into the magazine is always interesting. It is a "cover to cover" read. The information is great, and really is not just for Airstream owners!

Buy Airstream Life Now

I dream of owning a 1960's Bambi Airstream and can live the Airstream camper's life vicariously through this cool magazine! Good articles and pics.

Read Best Reviews of Airstream Life Here

I subscribed when this magazine first came out.

I found advertising for businesses I could trust to help me with my '68 Land Yacht restoration.

The best column is how not to get taken when purchasing a vintage airstream.

It is amazing at the cons out therejacking up prices for items that are modern or easily available for less...buyer beware.

Also John Irwin's column is fun to learn ways to modify and adapt these trailers for personal convenience.

Two thumbs up for this quality magazine for airstream enthusiasts.

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Althought this magazine is targeted towards the Airstream owner, it is a great resource for anyone on the road traveling across the United States and then some. If you don't own an Airstream you will after reading your first issue. Packed with great information, product reviews, travel info, wonderful photos and a whole bunch of tidbits for everyone. The best RV magazine on the market today. But don't listen to me, pick one up and you'll agree.

Mountain Living (1-year auto-renewal)

Mountain Livingand not enough 'real' content. I did not find that it had any technical content at all, just more of a pretty and lets go shopping kind of magazine. Does not showcase any new innovation. Just decorating. :/ Maybe that is all this magazine is going for, but I feel like it could, and should, be so much more. Sorry.....thumbs down.

Save 43% Off

Future Music

Future MusicThe earlier reviewer commenting on the price is referring to the US edition of the magazine, which is about $20 per year, and is no where near as well put together. This is a great magazine, I had the subscription for it and bought it in pounds and got the bill once it had been converted to dollars, needless to say I only did it for one year. It's still less than buying it at the newsstand which is around $16 per issue I think. If you like to get new audio samples, tutorials, plugins and virtual instruments every month, this is "the" magazine to get, if you like that stuff but don't want to pay the charge for having it sent over the pond, consider the US version, but realize they are not the same and the US one is not nearly as good.

This magazine is invaluable for the present-day producer.

I produce hip hop tracks and find that this particular magazine is tailored perfectly to the producer who works much with virtual instruments, plug-ins and the like.

Each month's issue also comes with a bonus CD that includes plug-in demos (often free fully-functional plugins), tutorial videos, sound samples, etc. This, for me, puts "Future Music" in a different league than other magazines.

Mags like Mix and EQ are great covering a wider scope of music and music-for-film production, but for the producer working with a Digital Audio Workstation, "Future Music" is probably the best "get right down to business" audio magazine available.

Highly Recommended.

Buy Future Music Now

This mag is not publish anymore as told in previous reviews. They won't tell you instead I got a note that said I would get Guitar World, and got 1 issue only. Not only I just got 1 issue, but I never asked for guitar world. Please take note that Amazon is very good at everything except mag subscriptions. They send you with the publisher to deal with. No refund are made this way. Also this happened with the Mental Floss mag subscription. Your are on your own with magazine subscriptions.

Read Best Reviews of Future Music Here

Just like another reviewer, I sent in the card for a preview issue. I did receive one issue, which I found to be of limited value anyway. I have since been bombarded with collection agency notices. I can't believe I may have to get legal help for this. Absolute rubbish.

Want Future Music Discount?

I sent in a card for a preview issue and never recieved it. Since then I've been bombarded with with forceful Must Pay notices. They've now turned me over to a collection agency. I've not to this day subscribed.

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

The Wall Street Journal (weekend edition)

The Wall Street JournalI renewed my WSJ subscription through Amazon because it saved me over $125 per year. ($249 vs. $376.) Amazon states that you can renew through their service, as well as buy new subscriptions. But it has been a major headache. I started receiving 2 issues. When I called WSJ, they said that you cannot renew through Amazon, that this has to be handled as a 2nd subscription. All they could do is put my first subscription on hold for 12 months until my new subscription runs out. Then restart my first subscription for the 2 months that remain on it. WSJ is inflexible and acts like they don't have anything to do with the subscriptions purchased through Amazon. I would advise anyone else purchasing a renewal to Wall Street Journal through Amazon to wait until you have about 3 weeks left on your subscription before renewing. You may end up missing a few issues before your new subsciption kicks in, but that is better than trying to deal with WSJ's customer service dept.

Love the product there was a problem with "forwarding" the order so it has yet to come.

Buy The Wall Street Journal (weekend edition) Now

If you like to get all the business news of the week consolidated in one publication, the WSJ weekend edition is definitely something to order. It's so "meaty"; my husband and I look forward to getting it each Saturday. And at $1/issue, a great bargain.

Read Best Reviews of The Wall Street Journal (weekend edition) Here

Back in the mid-60s I started investing in the stock market. I was a long way from New York and Wall Street and I needed an accurate news source regarding the business community. I'd buy the Wall Street Journal at the bookstore where I work (San Diego State). It would be a day late, but that was okay. To give you an idea of how long ago that was, it was $.25 a copy and it came in one section.

Finally, I began to subscribe to the WSJ and it then arrived by mail (a day late) and came in two sections. Finally, they started delivering it here in San Diego and then I got it on the day of printing, although the news could still be a little old. No problem. The WSJ has grown quite a bit. It used to be strictly M-F business news and had no photos. Now, it's a full-spectrum newspaper and even has colored photos. It's still strongly oriented toward business, I should add. The WSJ used to be one section only and now it is three or four sections and has a weekend issue on Saturday.

I like the Journal. The news is accurate and reliable. It's not prone to fads. People say it's conservative, but I find it to be non-biased in it's news. It tends to lean Republican in it's editorial content but the bias there is acceptable to me. It's an expensive newspaper, but it's worth it.

Gary Peterson

Want The Wall Street Journal (weekend edition) Discount?

My husband is a news junkie. This weekend edition is the best because we usually don't have any time to read the newspaper during the week. This is his saturday morning ritual. Excellent price.

Save 50% Off


HerizonsLike Ms and Bust, "Herizons" is a thoughtful, informative and entertaining magazine about the world from a female perspective. Their editorial office is located in Winnipeg so it has a Canadian focus, but they cover international issues. A recent issue featured a story on Nancy Ruth who is Canada's first openly lesbian senator. There were also stories on Kenyan women confronting violence, women's artistic sensibilities, an interview with poet and activist Nicole Brossard and much else. I often find other useful media resources in "Herizons" and important news such as Maude Barlow's efforts to protect water supplies from mining companies that are turning lakes into toxic dumps, as well as fighting the agenda of transnational corporations to privatize the world's water supply Flow (akaFlow:For Love of Water).

In a country as insulated and anti-feminist as the U.S. can be (with nationally syndicated talk show hosts like Rush Limbaugh regularly referring to the advocates of gender equality as "feminazis" Outright Barbarous: How the Violent Language of the Right Poisons American Democracy), subscribing to a magazine like "Herizons" is a helpful political act.

See also:

The Motherhood Manifesto: What America's Moms Want and What To Do About It See also the DVD of the same name which is available from

Lumo One Young Woman's Struggle to Heal in a Nation Beset By War (Documentary)

Her Story: A Timeline of the Women Who Changed America

Planting the Trees of Kenya: The Story of Wangari Maathai (Frances Foster Books)

New Moon Girls Buy this magazine, written and edited by girls, for every young woman you care about.

The Vagina Monologues


LymphologyLymphology is a fairly technical journal that would appeal mostly to professionals. I have lymphedema, and I am a Registered Nurse. I enjoy the articles greatly. I feel that reading Lymphology helps me to stay up-to-date on lymphedema issues.

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Fhm - Uk Edition

Fhm - Uk EditionI've had the opportunity to read this magazine while being depployed to Basra, Iraq with the British military. Every issue that came out at the NAAFI store I took up the chance to buy it. This magazine is nothing short of amazing. It is much better than the American version that was unfortunately discontinued. Its filled with hilarious articles and beautiful women. I just wish it didn't cost so damn much to subscribe to the states. If you get the chance to stop by a local Barnes & Noble pick up an issue and check it out. You won't regret it I promise!

Amazon Charges about over $120 for this Subscription than directly ordering from But , I do love this over Maxim since Maxim UK Edition has been canceled. I like "British" magazines better because United States Magazine are very prudish just like our TV Networks & Magazines. The one star is for the price Amazon charges alone.

Buy Fhm - Uk Edition Now


EntrepreneurWell over half the magazine is advertisements, very few articles from which i've learned nothing at all. I would recommend taking a look at their website ( instead of subscribing to their magazine. Their website contains better articles that can be more helpful than those found in the magazine.

It's funny because I didn't realize how useless this magazine is for me until i read some of the other reviews here. I'm about half-way through an already paid for 2-year subscription to this magazine. I always make sure to keep my copy of each issue because somehow it feels like it holds some important information that will propel me forward as an entrepreneur. I have their website listed in my Favorites. Cause I'm a big time businessman who gets a magazine called "Entrepreneur" for entrepreneurs like myself. Yeah right! The truth of the matter is the magazines are perfectly stacked and in mint condition because as soon as I've flipped through it once, subconsciously I realize there's nothing of value there. A lot of ads with get-rich quick schemes. A list of 500 franchises. Blah blah blah.

Business 2.0, Wired, Inc., Fast Company, Investor's Business Daily, The Wall Street Journal. These are the business magazines and newspapers that give today's entrpreneur a thorough guide to "the jungle".

Entrepreneur? Just a fancy-sounding title. And soon to be a stack in the recycle bin.

And as far as motivation goes, I get more by flipping through an issue of Robb Report than I have ever gotten by reading any one article in Entrepreneur.

Buy Entrepreneur Now

I have read this magazine on and off for a several years and wanted to add my 2 cents. Yes, the magazine does have many ads for business opportunities. But this is exactly something I want to read and evaluate, the marketplace of business opportunities. Many of these are franchise opportunities, which is exactly where the first time entrepreneur should start. The articles are generally well written and many will obviously be useful, but not all. The value of each article often depends on where you are in the business creation process. It was not until I read the E-Myth Revisited that I understood the value of these franchises. This magazine slices and dices the franchises by many metrics to help you find one where you are most likely to both succeed and be happy. The magazine is easily worth more than the price to any person seriously starting or building a small enterprise. Hope this has been helpful to the entrepreneurs out there.

Read Best Reviews of Entrepreneur Here

This magazine is great just for keeping the spirit. It's filled with many success stories. But hardly any of those success stories include the details that led them into success. It's also extremely geared towards franchising. Every other article, and every other ad is about franchising. I have a one year subscription and at this point I'm bored. I'll keep the subscription, but it's highly unlikely that I will renew next year.

*** Though one should check out their web site at You will find that it is the total opposite of the magazine, and will prove to be a great wealth of information.

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My biz partner and I were excited to receive our first mag from this group. We were sorely disappointed. Most of the articles are not new information, but "rehashed" info widely available. We read it cover to cover for about 4 months, then cancelled the subscription. There are better sources out there and this is not one of them!!

Save 80% Off

Flying (1-year auto-renewal)

FlyingI have had this magazine for well over 20 years. It does a good job of reviewing new airplanes, however it concentrates on the high end planes, and gives a good, but small, coverage of the latest (month old) aviation news. It also gives some touchy feely articles on flying from the corporate, private, technical, and professional aspect.

I believe it is lacking in in-depth coverage of future systems, long term reviews of airplanes, and also, long term upgrades of older airplanes. When they do cover used airplanes, it is not in-depth like the new airplanes and they do not go into third party vendors for additional items as much as I would like.

Overall, it is a good magazine, not great. I would still recommend it for one year to see if you like it also.

PS If you read it enough, I get the impression that they are overly conservative on safety yet in real life, I believe they fly normally.

As a private pilot of many years I have enjoyed reading Flying magazine, even before I started taking flying lessons. This magazine does a very good job covering the field from safety to flying various types of private aircraft. It is also interesting to read the personal experiences, both good and bad, submitted by readers of the magazine. I look forward to receiving each issue and recommend it to all private pilots.

Buy Flying (1-year auto-renewal) Now

I took enough flying lessons to solo but found when I could afford it I didn't have time and when I had time,well you can figure it out. The columns by Martha Lunkin are more than worth the price of the magazine and if I win the lottery I will own an Embraer Phenom.

Read Best Reviews of Flying (1-year auto-renewal) Here

I used to fly about 35 years ago and I still dream of flying again someday. It probably won't happen, but I enjoying flying vicariously through the articles and columns. I also highly recommend Plane & Pilot -another great flying magazine!

Want Flying (1-year auto-renewal) Discount?

For the cost, this is a staple for any pilot or enthusiast! It's got a variety of articles from light sport aircraft to "Jumpseat" geared toward the airline pilot. Every pilot should have this subscription!

Save 77% Off

Monday, January 27, 2014

Unique Homes (1-year auto-renewal)

Unique HomesI love to pick up a copy of this magazine from time to time and look at the mansions for sale, the horse farms for sale, the exotic islands for sale, because, quite frankly, I'm never going to get out of this studio apartment. But that's okay *smile* I'm happy and I love dreaming. For anyone else who loves beautiful homes, or dreams of your own estate on....oh...a thousand acres or so complete with a forest and babbling brooks, this will be fun for you too.

This is the home magazine of all home magazines!! I love looking at the pictures and shopping for houses. The pictures are clear and you can find a home in any state you choose. Also, enjoy reading it just before the lottery numbers come up on Friday nights. Very highly recommended! (Author of "Sunset Point")

Buy Unique Homes (1-year auto-renewal) Now

If you want to shop for your dream house (whether you can afford it or not), this magazine is SO for you. With the pictures and descriptions so vivid, it's almost like being there!

Read Best Reviews of Unique Homes (1-year auto-renewal) Here

This is a great magazine for any person who would like to have a reference for home decoration and design

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I love this magazine as you can look at homes, around the world, for sale. Many are in my city as well. It is nice that Amazon has this because I don't have to worry about renewals, and they inform me when it is due up again, and give me the best price.

As for the magazine, I love it and will continue to subscribe.

Save 55% Off

Bluegrass Unlimited

Bluegrass Unlimitedwell, if you're a follower of the genre this is the magazine for you. each issue has at least 1 interesting, well researched article on a band you've heard of. the album reviews tend to be a bit bland hard to get candid criticism here. but the ads and listings for events are top notch, and the letters and questions sections are full of interesting historical tidbits.

They do like every magazine distributor and send you last month's issue for the first delivery. Sadly, many of the events promoted have already occurred. Everything else was fine.

Buy Bluegrass Unlimited Now

BU is the bible of bluegrass and a must not only for fans but also artists.

Read Best Reviews of Bluegrass Unlimited Here

If you love Bluegrass, you will want to subscribe to this magazine to find out where all the festivals/concerts are being held.

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This magazine is a must for anyone who loves Bluegrass Music. It gives information on new music, groups, instruments, and many other things related to Bluegrass.

Snow Goer

Snow GoerIf you're an avid snowmobiler, SnowGoer is one of the best! Especially like the issue about snowmobiling destinations.

Thanks SnowGoer!

I ordered this subscription in December (in time for snowmobile season). I was told I would not see a magazine until April. Makes no sense to me. Why do i want to read about snowmobiles after winter is over ?

Buy Snow Goer Now

Sunday, January 26, 2014

Cottage Journal

Cottage JournalThis magazine is so wonderful!! Chocked full of wonderful decor and recipes!! The reader who said that it was cottage is using her description of what cottage is to define what she feels is cottage. . .but her definition of cottage only encompasses a portion of the market and they are concerned with the whole market. . .to me cottage is more of a feeling. I love all kinds of cottages. . .beach, mountain etc. Each has more of specific feel but all are cottages. Magazine is great you will not be disappointed unless you are expecting only one type of cottage.

I simply adore the first Winter issue of The Cottage Journal! It is so nice to have a winter-themed issue in addition to the Christmas/holiday-themed issue. Everything about this magazine is warm and cozy with tons of fireplace and cabin settings along with snowy scenery. It is definitely shows cold weather cottage style and decor. I only wish I could visit and recreate the rooms shown! I am looking forward to seeing the Spring issue with all its pretty floral-themed cottages and bright colors!

Buy Cottage Journal Now

Just gotta say this magazine is NOT my idea of "cottage". I like quaint, shabby, charming, cute, pretty, vintage, antique, cozy, etc. To me those words define the "cottage" look. So I subscribed.

I just received the winter issue of Cottage Journal & it is, in one word, BROWN. All the pictures are brown brown wood, brown furniture, brown dishes, brown fabric, just brown. Now that is just not cottage to me. Where is the quaint, the chintz, the white, the cream, the shabby, the vintage, the cozy??? the pink, the aqua, the yellow, the green??? Have these people ever seen cottage decor? I will say this is a really good quality magazine with tons of pictures, nice & large, cover to cover just not pictures of anything I would want to copy in my own home some are downright ugly. I don't get it they should have named the magazine whatever is opposite to "cottage" journal. I will not be renewing my subscription $24 for 6 issues.

Read Best Reviews of Cottage Journal Here

Cesars Way

Cesars WaySo I know a lot of magazines are littered with "fashion features" or "product features," which are just ads and product placements, sugar-coated to be easier to digest. I guess it's not surprising Cesar Milan's magazine is no different. But I was a bit naive and expected more articles regarding training, tips, and information. You really have to navigate through this magazine to get to the "good stuff" Cesar Milan has to offer. There's a wonderful "Ask Cesar" section in which readers' questions are answered. However, this section only spans five or six pages and the answers from Cesar are not very detailed.

There are some good articles on helpless dogs being adopted and people who devote their lives to helping canines, but all of the content is still overshadowed by the amount of ads. It's really a shame, and I wish some of the products advertised were better than overpriced or inane things you don't really need. However, these ads have opened my eyes to the lengths some people go to pamper their pups, and that's a lot coming from me--I spoil my puppy rotten. Overall, this magazine has some good info if you're a Cesar fan, plus good photography throughout.

The kindle edition you also get is a nice touch. I can go through the new issue before it hits newsstands/my mail.

I do like this magazine, especially seeing how personal Cesar Milan gets in some of the articles it's easier to relate to. There are a lot of ads in this magazine, which is a little annoying, a little interesting, because they are for a lot of unique dog items. Interested to get the next issue.

Buy Cesars Way Now

This is a great magazine for anyone who loves dogs it goes way beyond the other dog magazines and of course it has the unique advice of Cesar Millan.The photography is superb and I especially like all the articles about people and their dogs.

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i like the articles that cesar brings in this magazine. after im done reading an issue i pass it along to my other friends who are dog lovers and they love the magazine also.i like that he does include pit bulls and mixed breeds in his articles not just the pure breed dog.

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This gentleman has had a remarkable career. His magazine is superb, and very well written. His TV series is educationable, has humor, and quite helpful. He goes out of his way to help those in need, no matter their class. The "Dog Whisperer" is now recognized around the world. "Cesars Way" is well worth the price.

Motor Trend (1-year auto-renewal)

Motor TrendPros: Its cheap

Cons: Too many articles on high-end cars. Every month it seems like they re-review another Cadillac, or another Mercedes, or another Ferrari. Its very lacking in the economy car, and mid-size car categories. They tend to care little about value or fuel economy and too often leave out very common cars out of their comparison articles. They almost never go back and rereview a car they featured a few years back, which would be great to see how that car has held up after getting some miles on it. It totally lacks any mechanical articles, which would be nice once in awhile. All in all, I wouldn't subscribe if not for the ability to catch a good deal on it once in awhile (.50 cents an issue or less).

Motor Trend is a rather good, well written car magazine for auto enthusiasts. The articles are timely and full of facts and opinions about cars, new hybrids and the like. The quality of the paper is quite good and the print is always easy to read as well.

The cover "story" makes for a big splash but it's not sensationalism: the magazine backs it all up with a beefy article exploring the car, SUV or other vehicle in detail. The articles are peppered with well shot photos that enhance your understanding of what the article is trying to tell the reader.

There are ads and articles for a diversity of people; this month's issue, for example, has an article on the latest Bentley coming out. I suppose that's for the rich. SMILE On the other hand, there is also an extensive review--with photos--of the Hyundai Genesis Coupe. I think it's great they cover cars for people in all income brackets.

Look for more interesting articles. They review a Land Rover's performance in Argentina where apparently the vehicle must REALLY climb steep hills; and they take a "first drive" look at the Mercedes-Benz SL63 There's even a brief article on GMC's Sierra's first HYBRID vehicle--excellent!

Of course, you were waiting for me to mention this--the magazine has ads. In fact, it has LOTS of ads. This is one time, however, when I didn't entirely mind seeing lots of advertisements in a magazine. These ads provide the reader with resources for tires, noise canceling Bluetooth headsets, automotive accessories like heavy duty, strong plastic mats for the floors of your vehicle, and more. That's useful for readers who want to keep current on the latest supplies for their cars and, in the case of the Bluetooth headsets, accessories to make traveling by car a much better experience for so many of us.

Overall, I like Motor Trend. It's not for everyone; but it's great in my book. I like the articles that enable me to keep my ear to the ground for new automotive developments; and the advertisements also keep me updated as well.

Great job, Motor Trend!

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I think the basic impulse for Motor Trend is to rank an auto according to its acceleration speed. How fast does it get to 60? A tenth of a second is world-shaking and important. So is engine growl. The men who wrote these reviews are reporters who try for a fair and logical assessment of the vehicle. They are not consumers who are shopping for cars. I can't recall an article that mentioned exactly what goes into a featured car? Not a word and buddy, that is essential and I'll tell you why. For 20 years I was the marketing director of a mid-size American luggage company. We made our product in the factory I worked in. So I was familiar with every part and every component of our manufacture. Then our owner went overseas to manufacture our exact product. Well it wasn't exact. It was far from exact. Instead of being carefully sewn it was stapled. When our suppliers ran out of basic components, they simply purchased different ones, inferior ones knowing our product would sell on its former reputation. A current example of the utter lack of principle is Toyota. It's a money game and Motor Trend appears to be in on the game by not scrutinizing manufacture and componentry. So I am naturally skeptical of imports because engine roar and acceleration numbers don't tell me a thing about the dependability of the hundreds of parts that assemble in a new auto. And before I spend twenty, forty or sixty thousand for a new car, I want to know a lot more about its manufacture. I often wonder what Motor Trend said about my Olds. I drove it without trouble for eleven years and sold it to a fellow worker who gave it to his son who used it for four additional years through college. And maybe beyond? otor Trend is still here and Olds isn't. Is there something wrong with that equation?


Chapel Hill, NC

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Several times in the past I've almost completely given up on Motor Trend. I even canceled my subscription on two occasions. My main gripe during those times? Too darned many trucks and SUVs. Sure, that's what the U.S. public seems to want, and "Trend" does appear in the name, but boooooring. When they released Truck Trend as a sister publication, I danced for joy and then fell flat on my face when MT seemed to STILL spend 2/3 of every issue on hulking boringmobiles.

In recent months Motor Trend has come full circle and again seems to be focusing on interesting articles about cars. Trucks and SUVs are hardly missing, but in that respect and others MT is tremendously better than it was, say, two years ago. The transformation is nearly astounding. I can still remember the first time I closed the back flap of the latest issue and suddenly thought "Holy smokes, that was GOOD!"

Now definitely worth reading again!

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I used to read MotorTrend until I started noticing a trend of my own. Every time a German car was compared to American or Japanese cars, the German would always win. When Lexus came out with the world's first 8 speed auto transmission, MotorTrend said, "That's too many gears". When BMW came out later with its own 8 speed auto, it was described as,"Seamless". When MotorTrend came out with its 2010 Car of the Year, the Volkswagen GTI won. Why? The GTI lost to the WRX, MazdaSpeed3 and Mitsubishi Rallyart in every category including 0-60, 1/4 mile, braking, interior space, handling, safety, and price but still came out on top. I wonder how much VW paid MotorTrend to get Car of the Year? How about MotorTrend's comparison of the Mustang and M3 in the article titled, "America's M3". These are totally different cars and of course the M3 won. Price-wise if you comepare the M3 to a Cadillac CTS-V, you'll find that the BMW M3 has no chance in any category with the Cadillac. These are just a few of the trends I noticed. When a lame car like the GTI won Car of the Year, I had enough and never picked up another MotorTrend magazine since.

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Saturday, January 25, 2014

Timber Home Living (1-year auto-renewal)

Timber Home LivingI'm a developer, so I subscribe to these types of magazines mainly for ideas that I can use building spec houses. This magazine has some great pictures, but a large portion of the magazine is advertisements. Given the low cost, I think it is well worth the price.

I don't know if we will ever build our own timber home, but it is sure nice looking at all the possibilities.

This magazine is great for decorating and architectural ideas and was offered at a great price. More than

likely, I will be definitely renewing this magazine. It is a nice, relaxing read.

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The very first time I saw the beauty of a timber framed home I knew I would someday want to live in one. The magazine's articles and pictures just keep the dream alive.

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