Too bad we don't do something like this in the US. Don't get me wrong I love Poultry Press for a US publication it is more than worth the money and it comes with coupons that if you use more than pays for itself. But Fancy Fowl is written like some of our US Horse Magazines; The April Issue for 2006 talked about how to judge White Wynadotes and Light Sussex. And with Poultry there is nothing like having color pictures but your going to pay for it. And they talk about ALL poultry Turkeys, Ducks, Swans, of course chickens, but the off breeds like Black Grouse. It is for the fancy and not as commercial as the Australian Mag.but the price is worth it.
I am subscribing to get ahead of the problem of H5N1. Brittan is dealing with this as they did with Mad Cow, and folkes if you own chickens the hoops of politics are a real eye opener. So I'm jumping the shark so to speak and learning ahead.
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