i saw that this was unrated & didn't want any fans to miss out. i've been getting the hockey news for several years now. Being in california it can be hard to get info on the goings ons in the hockey world. things have gotten easier with the nhl network, but it's still by no means mainstream. the hockey news is awsome! it comes out of canada but they say new york, covers mostly the nhl but also cover most minor, &pro hockey leagues (ahl, echl, omjhl etc.) i can't say enough about this mag but can't think of anything to say. as a hockey fan to other hockey fans, "if you love hockey & want more info on the hockey world or more info on both player in the nhl & on there way there than this is what you're looking for." there aren't many hockey mags out there so don't waste your time or money on anything but the best & in this case that's the hockey news.

I ordered this subscription for my son who is a hockey lover, and he reads it cover to cover. He is very satisfied with the magazine.
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