Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Car - England

Car - EnglandI read several monthly automotive publications and this one is my favourite. The photography and layout are excellent. And the colloquial writing style is fresh and engaging. Kudos especially to Jamie Kitman and Georg Katcher, who both write for American publications as well.

Car is unlike any other auto magazine I've seen. Well written, interesting and useful. The photography is great as well. Most importantly, they seem to have no problem calling a bad vehicle what it is. Too many magazines write great reviews of what are, at best, average products. Perhaps they're afraid of losing advertising?

Buy Car - England Now

I have been reading car magazine for over 25 years and is undoubtedly the best car magazine you can buy. Yes, they are not afraid to loose business calling a bad car for what really is. Although, they have a peculiar tendency of over praising Jaguars and Land Rovers (call it patriotism if you wish).

Every time a new Jaguar or Land Rover comes along they always rated as the new standard on its respective class. The funny thing is that after a while they ALWAYS realize what a big mistake they have made and quietly bury the English entries for what they really are: well designed pieces of junk.

Read Best Reviews of Car - England Here

After reading Car you will be left thinking that english is not the first language of the writers of the US based magazines. The articles are intelligent, clever, and funny. Furthermore, they are not afraid of losing advertisers by saying just how bad a car really is even when they are british cars. Naturally if you are a big fan of Detroit, this is not the magazine for you. Expensive, but worth it.

Want Car - England Discount?

I've pre-ordered the Kindle Fire primarily to read Top Gear, Evo, Practical Photography on the tablet. Paying $10 a pop for these things is frankly ridiculous.

I still prefer the e-ink screen for real books but you can't beat a nice IPS tablet for Mags.

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