Sunday, August 25, 2013

Muscular Development

Muscular DevelopmentMuscular development is one of the better magazines out there on the subject of body-building, but although the average issue is almost an inch thick, there are usually only 10-20 pages of worthwhile content. Don't get me wrong. The content in those 10-20 pages is great. Very informational and entertaining to read. Great health and sex tips as well as nutrition and training information. Where this magazine goes very wrong is the advertising. While nearly all magazines are going to have advertising, Muscular Development goes way overboard. Many of the advertisements are 6-10 page ads that appear to be an actual article, but are just an oversized advertisement for the latest and greatest label on the same stuff every other company is selling. While the advice in every magazine is very good, they allow advertisements that completely contradict the information inside. The magazine comes off as hypocritical in that sense.

Although Muscular Development has the best content of any of the body building magazines, the excessive ads forced me to cancel my subscription.

Living overseas with the Army, we have an option of about 5 or 6 men's fitness magazines. This is by far the best of them that I have read and am now a devoted follower. There are changes I would love to see happen. I would like to see fewer advertisements that look like articles. All of the fitness magazines are owned by a pharmaceutical, but the ads I see most in this mag are not by the same people who own it. Of course they do what is best for the bottom line. Lately, they made a change of not requiring that their fitness girl is a DD. That is great because fake women are worse than bodybuilders on synthol. They have the best articles. I believe FLEX has better coverage of the sport, but the scientific research in this magazine is by far what makes it sell. The staff is knowledgeable and honest about the sport and the science backing their claims. I highly recommend this mag to all men who are serious about bodybuilding and fitness who aren't procrastinating by sitting on their asses waiting for a special pill to come along.

Buy Muscular Development Now

Some people may not want to hear the truth about professional bodybuilding, like the guy who gave this magazine 1 star. To people like him I say continue living in your fantasy world and go read Muscle and Fitness. There you can keep believing that the pro's get to be 280 @ 3% body fat by using creatine. As for the rest of us who do not live in the land of Oz we can all benefit from the no-nonsense scientific articles put forth in Muscular Development. This is THE BEST magazine to read if you really want to know how to get freaky big. The beginning of the magazine is filled with excerpts from various medical and scientific journals and the articles that follow give you some great advice on `roids, supplements, contest prep, dieting and training. By far the best magazine in the business.

Read Best Reviews of Muscular Development Here

Sorry, if you are looking for fitness models, look at mens fitness or the "new" format of Muscle and Fitness "the GQ of Fitness magazines".

This is in your face, hardcore professional bodybuilding at it most pure.

If you don't like frank discussions of real bodybuilding, buy something else.

Unfortunately, now that the "National Inquirer" has bought Weider productions, there are very few real bodybuilding magazines available.

IE, if you've never puked, or almost puked, after a heavy leg day, you probably just won't get it. Buy "Men's Health" and worry about what cologne you're wearing to the gym instead.

If you're really into it, this ones gotta be on the list with Int'l Musclemag and the "occasional" good copy of Flex.

Want Muscular Development Discount?

I've been lifting weights for over 25 years. Read well over 100 books, subscribed to every muscle mag out there. Been there, done it all.

I did not need any of these mags to put on muscle, so you don't either.

I do like this magazine. It is kind of hardcore and definitely is written for the 'juice head' type bodybuilder. And that is fine. However, this rag is filled to the brim with ads and product promo BS, just like every other mag out there. And that is fine too. But don't try to hustle me out of $50!!!!!!

Everyone knows the game with magazines these days have high subscriptions validated by REAL billing addresses so they can sell ADVERTISING space and make the real money! Mags do not make profits with subscribers, the profits come from ADS! That is why Muscle and Fitness can be found for as cheap as $5 for a whole year subscription! They want to keep the numbers high to sell ads and product to the readers.

Muscular Dev is no different but they are just sticking it to the subscriber by charging $50. Their market is mostly the 14 to 25 year old idiots that still believe PRO level bodybuilders do it NATURALLY without roids and won't hesitate to give over $50 cause mommy and daddy are still housing and feeding them.

I like this mag, but the price is a complete and total rip-off!

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