Wednesday, August 14, 2013

National Catholic Reporter

National Catholic ReporterNCR has been around for a long time and they have some top notch reporters. Over the past 10 years, though, they have been more and more vigorous in their misrepresentation of the facts. There's an agenda. Of course, no one is free of some bias, myself included. The problem with NCR nowadays, though, is that they are ignoring central facts in order to create a particular impression. Any given issue will have an article about the Ordination of Women as Catholic Priests but will neglect to mention that the Church has a definitive and infallible teaching on the matter and that the pope couldn't rescind it if he wanted to. The same kind of problem arises when discussing the sex abuse crisis. The statistical data is definitive that the vast majority of the cases (80%+) and almost all of the abusers (95%+) were not children but adolescents. That doesn't change the horror, but it does make it a deception to describe the crisis as pedofilia. Their treatment of bishops who do not agree with and loudly support abortion, euthanasia, contraception in Africa, environmentalism and every other cause celebre is simply not Christian and often omits central facts of the incidents and the general disdain for the authority of the Church is rampant in almost every page. Even bishops they "like" in one article are promptly slammed in another for failure to be up to date on this or that. Of course, the Pope no matter what he is saying or doing is viciously abused in almost every issue.

There was a time when NCR was as good as it got. There was a time when it was a sincerely liberal publication that welcomed all views and let the reader decide for him or herself, but that age is passed. Today, NCR is a deceiver which writes the story and chooses which facts best fit that story. I highly recommending something like the National Catholic Register or Our Sunday Visitors publications for middle of the road Catholic news from the US, Rome and around the world. Those publications will tell the story as it is and if the author has an opinion, the author will admit that he or she is biased, you can't get that kind of honesty from NCR anymore. It's sad that this once great publication has lost its way.

This is a great, educational publication. It helps me keep on top of happenings in the church at large. It motivates me to continue to help us move towards Vatican II priinciples.

Buy National Catholic Reporter Now

I expected more. As someone trained in the Jesuit's tradition, I thought there would be a bit more analysis of the ramifications of the events revealed in the stories. I know that is usually reserved for the editorial pages, but there should have been more of a love-faith-morality judgement to it. That said, it is a very good, subtle presentation of major issues.

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The National Catholic Distorter continues to subvert a hermeneutics of continuity by reinterpreting everything from the Catechism to Papal initiatives in terms of rebellion rather than submission. There is no such thing as a "liberal" Catholic. You are either faithful to the Magisterium or you are not. Increasingly blogs are exposing this dying hippie dinosaur for what it is: a wolf in Cope clothing. Don't waste your money with a subscription, or endanger your soul reading it, and let it fall into silence and be forgotten as the obscure Gnostic heresy that inspired its founding. It shall be sucked into a Vortex.

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The only thing this is good for is to see what old and dying liberals in the Church are complaining about. This will not increase your Faith or your love for God. It only has bad things to say about the Pope, Magisterial teaching, and T/traditions of the Faith. The National Catholic Register is an infinitely better choice for faithful Catholics.

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