Wednesday, August 21, 2013


WineMakerThis magazine is a really good source of winemaking tips for the home winemaker. Throughout the year, this magazine provides a very solid set of articles that cover a wide variety of topics. The articles are written at a level appropriate for the non-chemistry major in college who is interested in making wine. Every edition of the magazine seems to include at least one article by a commercial winemaker -and there seem to be additional brief tips often contributed by other winemakers as well.

Like any magazine, some of the articles are less useful but, on the whole, this magazine is solidly recommended if you are either an aspiring winemaker or even someone who already has the home winemaking bug. For what it's worth, this magazine also complements "From Vines to Wines" by Jeff Cox which is a good, single source book for home winemaking.

It's enough to say that I love the magazine and that it lives up to more than the expectations I had. A wealth of info!

Buy WineMaker Now

Great tips for tweaking your homemade wine. I read each issue cover to cover and learn something with every issue.

Read Best Reviews of WineMaker Here

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