Entertaining enough magazine but upon missing delivery of an issue multiple emails to the 'Front Desk' and 'Subscription Department' simply go unanswered and the customer service phone support person never followed through. So, when my subscription expires I'll move on.

I've been a JazzTimes subscriber for many years and it is far and above the premier Jazz book on the market. Superior writers, better coverage, and a design that is much easier on the eyes than their imitators, all make JT a bargain. I even got a free DVD for subscribing. Customer service was polite and helpful when I needed to change my address, and I plan on staying a subscriber for years to come.
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Good magazine. Lousy customer service. When subscription ends I'll be looking at another magazine. Currently with Downbeat, no complaints there.
Read Best Reviews of JazzTimes Magazine Here
I love Jazz. And I am overwhelmed with paper and magazines in the house. So I have attempted on multiple occasions to let my subscription run out. It never works. I always end up renewing. I just love the music reviews and the occasional articles about an artist.
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I recently subscribed to JazzTimes. I had visited their website regularly, and I decided to receive the hard copy magazine. I like their mix of coverage of the established stars and the up-and-comers. They have some great contributors (Nat Hentoff, Gary Giddins). I like their wide-ranging disc review section. There is so little Jazz on the radio now we need to find the new Jazz grooves through the Internet and magazines like JazzTimes.
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