Monday, September 30, 2013

Casa Facile

Casa FacileI buy CASA FACILE for years on the stand in the INTERNATIONAL NEWS stores in NYC. Used to cost $2.50/issue until about 2 years ago when the price went up to $2.95, now it's $3.50. I do not see any deal in subscription for $5.70/issue, where is the saving?? Besides the high subscription price tag, there is nothing bad about CASA. It's a practical home improvement magazine with a load of good ideas for both interior design professional and a creative homeowner. Do not look for a traditional style in this magazine, it's 90% contemporary with an occasional article on antiques or style mix and match. Think Better Home and Garden Italian style. Quality of issues varies, but I gave it 4 stars anyway as some remodeling ideas I've got from this unassuming magazine brought me several returning customers.

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