Thursday, September 19, 2013

MAKE: Technology on Your Time

MAKE: Technology on Your TimeMake: Technology on Your Own Time is not a book... exactly. It's a mook, which is a hybrid of a magazine and a book. It's a magazine, but not a typical one. In my initial perusal, I think I wasn't high on it because I'm not into home projects because I don't have time.

I read it closely. Shortly, I became engaged and enjoyed reading the articles. Though I don't plan to make anything (like I'm going to put a monorail in my backyard-yes, this is a real project), the stories and the writing drew me in.

I like geeky things, but I'm not a geek in terms of building computers from scratch and hacking gadgets. These are the kinds of projects covered in the mook. The premiere issue includes the following projects: magnetic stripe card reader, camera on a kite, $14 video camera stabilizer or buy one, and a 5-in-1 network cable.

The quarterly mook has a Web site with things not covered in the print edition as well as a blog. Its design is clever with color codes on the cover and side for the major projects. The initial issue has 192 pages of quality paper and color printing to justify $8.74 an issue.

The mook has a homemade yet professional feel and has "home improvement" style fonts to add to its DIY (do-it-yourself) theme. The photos give the impression they're taken by average people and not photographers. They're good quality and complement the articles.

People who don't have time to build and like technology will find it an engrossing read thanks to the personable writing and instructions that don't make eyes glaze. Few new magazines make it past the first year or so. Make should thrive for years to come.

This quarterly magazine really hits the spot, if you're in its crosshairs. It's a clean miss for others.

It's pretty easy to tell whether you're in the target audience. Do you have a closet full of decommisioned PCs, cell phones, and other 21st-century rubble that you just know you could do "something" with? Do you have a Dremel tool, fine-tipped soldering iron, and more than one kind of epoxy in the house? Do the phrases "It works" and "It's beautiful" mean roughly the same thing to you? Does the idea of a home CNC milling machine stir you to jealousy or a quick look at your checkbook? Two or more yes answers probably qualify you as the intended reader.

This is about hacking your PC mouse or the cage for your pet mouse, about resurrecting last year's laptop as an electronic photo frame, and about how simple a robot control can be (you'd be surprised). It's like Popular Mechanics, but for the people who consider software, resistors, and pieces from antique clocks to be interchangeable. Although a few of the ideas in each issue have low-tech appeal, most are aimed at skill sets from "geeky highschooler" to "electronics professional".

This magazine comes from O'Reilly, the publisher who fills the bookshelves of dilbertian cube farms everywhere. In some ways, this looks like a self-concious attempt at community-building, creating a forum for home robot-builders and artisans of the silicon age. Well, maybe that's not a bad thing the communities are out there, but not easy for a beginner to find or to break into. It also helps that the the minimal advertising (part of the reason for the hefty cover price) is well targeted to the electronic and gadgeteering hobbyist. The title is only up to issue number 6 at this writing, so I'm not sure that it's wholly found itself yet. For example, I would have preferred a schematic for some of the circuits in addition to the assembly instructions. Still, with a scriptwriter from MacGyver, there's a lot to like here for the right reader.


Buy MAKE: Technology on Your Time Now

I just received the premiere issue of Make Magazine from O'Reilly yesterday. Let me just say this mag is a geek's dream come true. It's not a magazine about coding. Heck, I'm not sure if calling it a magazine is even accurate. It's more of a journal or zine (but with higher production values). A geek quarterly, if you will.

For example... the premiere issue features an article on aerial photography. Not geeky enough for you? Ok, how about aerial photography accomplished by rigging up a camera to a kite? Still not geeky enough? Throw in a homemade mechanism for triggering the shutter from the ground. The best part is, this isn't just an article full of theory. These guys DO this stuff. The article is full of pictures, plans and step by step instructions on how to make it happen.

That's not all... other How-To articles include: making a 5-in-1 network cable, making a magnetic stripe reader, XM Radio hacks, tips and tricks for your IPOD, gmail hacks, IPAQ hacks and a lot more. This puppy is just under 200 pages of D-I-Y technology.

Still not geeky enough? How about an article on how to make your own railgun, using magnets, a ruler and some steel bearings? There's also an article about hacking robotic dogs to sniff out toxic waste. This is geek goodness in all it's glory.

If you like reading 2600 (the hacker quarterly), Maximum PC and Scientific American, roll them all into one and you have Make (but without the attitude of Maximum PC and the leetspeak of 2600). I'm gonna subscribe!

Read Best Reviews of MAKE: Technology on Your Time Here

This fine magazine is a cross between WIRED, American Woodworker, Popular Mechanics and Scientific American. Each issue features four very detailed DIY projects, along with short descriptions and general guides to a few others. Combined with the DIY info, there is the usual mix of opinion articles, political commentary, news summaries, letters, articles about crazy DIY-folk, etc.

The four "core" DIY projects in each issue include step-by-step instructions, full parts lists and extensive photos (or screenshots). All parts lists also include sources, which is important in an age where the parts department of Radio Shack just isn't what it used to be.

The projects featured in each issue are usually funky, weird, stuff that only a tiny fraction of the readers will actually build. As another reviewer said, most of the projects are simply not that useful. However, just because the projects aren't exactly useful doesn't mean they aren't cool. Will I ever build a timed cat feeder powered by a castoff VCR and a recycled hand-crank meat grinder? No. Do I think that the idea of recycling the motors and control circuits to do such a thing is neat? Of course, and any "real" geek would agree.

Most electronic projects assume basic soldering skills (an introduction to soldering is available in Vol 1), and most computer projects natrually involve more skill than just booting the machine.

Outside of the "core" projects in each issue, the "DIY" section features a bunch of abbreviated project summaries, with the expectation you will have to scrounge some of your own parts, and be able to read a schematic diagram. A geeky friend could probably help you out with those if you are in over your head.

Yes, this magazine is expensive. $34.95/yr for four issues sounds like a lot. However, the ads are far less intrusive than they would be in a cheaper magazine, the articles better written, and to make it suitable for use in an actual workshop, it is printed on sturdy bond paper and bound with a cardstock cover.

As with any magazine, some issues and some articles are better than others, but on the whole, the quality of the magazine is quite high.

Many have said that most of the tutorials in the magazine can be found on the web in various forms, scattered about. That is completely true. Nevertheless, it is convenient to have the information in a fairly well-tested magazine that has the added advantage of being on paper.

In summary, if the sort of topics covered in MAKE interest you, I know of no other magazine on the market that is better.

Want MAKE: Technology on Your Time Discount?

Love the magazine. It is absolutely fascinating, but, most of the projects require the digital subscription, which amazon does not include, even though you are paying for it. You need to get the magazine directly from

Its nearly impossible to do the projects in this magazine without the access to the web.

Save 41% Off

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