Thursday, September 19, 2013


CoralThis is by far the best magazine available to reefkeeping hobbyists. I have read every issue released so far. The magazine explains techniques promoted by modern reef aquarists around the world, and especially from Europe.

Some of the techniques are very new and the methods are not always viable by many hobbyists who enter and exit out of frustration, but the magazine has a basic section for new aquarists.

The reason for 4/5 stars is that some of the claims made by paid advertisers are insulting to the readers intelligence.

CORAL Magazine is alive and well and has a new publisher.

New and former subscribers can contact us at Coral Magazine US dot com. (We are waiting for Amazon to change this page over to redirect subscriptions to the proper publisher.)

The new CORAL team includes many of the leading writers and photographers in the marine field: Julian Sprung, Scott Michael, Charles Delbeek, Daniel Knop, Anthony Calfo, Matt Wittenrich, Alf Jacob Nilsen, Svein Fossa, and many more.

James Lawrence,

Editor & Publisher

Coral Magazine

823 Ferry Road, P.O. Box 550

Charlotte, Vermont 05445

Buy Coral Now

Coral Magazine skips the basics and ignores the temptation to cater to a more casual crowd with every-other-issue features on tank cycling and the dangers of overfeeding. Instead, it features less general topics with a slightly more esoteric approach while remaining accessible to common hobbyists such as myself. Having spent innumerable hours scouring the web and nearly every forum available on marine aquaculture, I can confidently say one can find novel information and ideas in Coral Magazine that are rarely, if ever, discussed anywhere else. (See August/September 2007 issue discussing what the author calls "induced longitudinal fission" of ricordea for a great example.)

This magazine provides incredible photographs, well written articles, and insightful commentary. Any hobbyist who has spent more than a few hours reading through books or online forums in this subject should greatly appreciate Coral magazine.

Read Best Reviews of Coral Here

This is a wonderful magazine for anyone interested in reefkeeping. The topics are discussed in depth and the photography is awesome. This magazine is worth every penny.

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WEll, I shouldn't say cover to cover, but I do read more of this that I do any other magazine. I at the most usually get a weeks worth of casual reading from a magazine, but this one I get about a month out of. Between this and TFH I always seem to have reading material. I do with this was a monthly production though!

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