Friday, September 6, 2013

Reptiles (1-year)

ReptilesI'm in agreement with other reviewers that the magazine does tend to focus too much on exotic species, from the Galapagos Islands to Madagascar; but, for the most part, I found this to be tempered by many very helpful articles for the average herp owner. I have 2 boas, some chameleons, an iguana, and a python--and I believe that "Reptiles" focus on all reptiles has given me a better understanding of my own. This isn't necessarily geared 100% toward the pet owner, but more for the overall enthusiast.

I've subscribed to Reptiles for a couple of years. I also subscribe to other magazines published by Bow Tie, including Cat Fancy, Dog Fancy, and Bird Talk. Reptiles is definitely the best of the bunch. Their articles tend to be longer and far more substantive than the others. The only reptiles I keep are turtles, but I find it quite fascinating to learn about the many species featured, even ones I'm sure I'll never have. In fact, I've learned that there are some critters I shouldn't have--their needs and mine would never mesh. Writers are often people who breed and raise the animal. I like it that they don't tell you to "check with your vet" every third paragraph--they just tell you what works for them. Of course, some of these species are quite rare in captivity and only a very specialized vet would be familiar with them.

I'd recommend this magazine for people who are generally interested in reptiles and for those who are thinking of getting a reptile pet. You may find yourself introduced to some animals you'd never thought of keeping. It may be too basic for those with lots of experience, but for the rest of us it's a great source of general knowledge.

The only downside is the ads. The classifieds are basically the same every month. Particular product ads are often matched to the articles--ok I guess, but it sometimes makes you wonder whether the advertisers or the editors are driving the magazine. However, Bird Talk and Cat Fancy are much worse in this regard.

Buy Reptiles (1-year) Now

I have had the same problem that a previous reviewer said. I have had a Reptiles magazine subscription a few years back and a current one. The previous order had a missing issue and my subscription was not extended. Now my most recent has annoyed me. I recieved three issues, and then no more isues. Even though the Reptiles mag site says I should have recieved at least two issues since then, and I got a supposed extension. After this subscription, no more. I'll do as I have in the past, purchase them as I see them and only if the subjects interest me. So the warning is that this magazine can be unreliable.

Read Best Reviews of Reptiles (1-year) Here

I'm a solid reader of Reptiles for 3 years now. I LOVE IT! Before I was ever keeping and breeding reptiles myself, I was enjoying this magazine. Every issue is chocked full of pictures and information beyond belief, and it's a good way to shop around to see who's breeding what this year. Great magazine, it's a must get for any herper or plain ol person!

Want Reptiles (1-year) Discount?

I was already a subscriber to reptiles magazine, but Amazon was offering it at a great price. This day and age, I almost think that magazines are worthless; since I can get all the information I need from the internet. But this publication is always a great read. They have monthly contests and show off drawings and the pictures are always great. My wife and I always turn to the "Guess that skull" challenge every time the new issue shows up to see who can figure it out first.

Save 75% Off

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